Functions Of Fine Aggregate in Concrete
Fine aggregates perform the following functions:
1. It assists in producing workability and uniformity in the mixture.
2. It assists the cement paste to hard the coarse aggregate particles.
3. It helps to prevent possible segregation of paste and coarse aggregate, particularly during the transport operation of concrete for a long distance.
4. Fine aggregate reduces the shrinkage of binding material.
5. It prevents the development of a crack in the concrete.
6. It fills the voids existing in the coarse aggregate. Thus, it helps in increasing the density of concrete.
7. It assists in the hardening of cement by allowing the penetration of water through its voids.
Functions Of Coarse Aggregate in Concrete
Coarse aggregate is used in concrete to achieve the following functions:
1. It makes a solid & hard mass of concrete with cement and sand.
2. It provides bulk to the concrete.
3. It increases the crushing strength of concrete.
4. It reduces the cost of concrete by using cheaper materials.
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