Factors Affecting The Thickness Of A Load-Bearing Wall

Factors Affecting The Thickness Of  A Load-Bearing Wall

The thickness of a load-bearing wall shall be sufficient to ensure that in worst condition loading, the stresses developed are within the safe limits.

The thickness of a non-load-bearing wall should be sufficient to ensure stability and strength against lateral forces.

The thickness of a wall depends on the following factors:

1. The loads carried by the wall such as dead load, live load, wind load, seismic forces, and the amount of eccentricity (if any).  

2. The overall height of the wall.  

3. The height of the wall between floors.  

4. The overall length of the wall and the centre-to-centre distances between lateral supports.  

5. The crushing strength of bricks to be used and the strength of the mortar to be applied.

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