Category: soil

Soil Stabilization – MCQ || Soil Engineering

Soil Stabilization – MCQ

1. The aim of soil stabilization is to increase the

a) Seepage.
b) Bearing capacity.
c) Shear strength.
d) Both (b) and (c).

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d) Both (b) and (c).

The aim of soil stabilization is to increase the shear strength and bearing capacity of the soil.

2. In case of stabilization usual proportion of cement to be added to a sandy soil is around

a) 5 %
b) 10 %
c) 15 %
d) 20 %

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b) 10 %

3. In case of soil-cement stabilization, the percentage of cement by volume is

a) 1 to 4 %
b) 5 to 15%
c) 18 to 34 %
d) None of these.

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b) 5 to 15%

4. Which is the following factor affecting the soil cement stabilization

a) Nature of soil.
b) Cement content.
c) Curing.
d) Admixture.
e) All of these.

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e) All of these.

5. Pre-compression is a technique for in situ densification of

a) Sandy soil.
b) Silty soil.
c) Sandy and silty soils.
d) Clayey soils.

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d) Clayey soils.

Pre-compression is a technique for in situ densification of clayey soils.

6. In plastic soil lime stabilization, the percentage of lime by volume is

a) 1 to 5 %
b) 5 to 10 %
c) 8 to 20 %
d) None.

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b) 5 to 10 %

7. Mechanical stabilization of weaker soils may be obtained by

a) Compaction.
b) Proper grading and mixing with suitable outside soils.
c) Both (a) and (b).
d) None of these.

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c) Both (a) and (b).

8. Lime stabilization is very effective in treating

a) Plastic clayey soil.
b) Silty soil.
c) Sandy soil.
d) None of these.

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a) Plastic clayey soil.

9. In cohesive soil, the method of stabilization applicable is

a) Compaction.
b) Stone column.
c) Vibration.
d) Blasting.

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b) Stone column.

10. Cement stabilization is generally used for stabilizing

a) Sand.
b) Gravel.
c) Clay.
d) All of these.

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d) All of these.

11. With the increased value of plasticity index of a soil, the quantity of lime required for its stabilization will

a) Decrease.
b) Increase.
c) Remain unaffected.
d) Some time increase and some time decrease.

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b) Increase.

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Penetration Test and Soil Sample Exploration – MCQ

5 Methods of Soil Stabilization

Basic Principles of Soil Stabilization

Relationship Between the SPT values with Angle of shearing resistance, Compactness and Relative Density

Relationship Between the SPT values with Angle of shearing resistance, Compactness, and Relative Density

The relationship between the standard penetration test(SPT or N) values with angle of shearing resistance(ɸ), compactness, and relative density are as follows:

SPT Values
CompactnessRelative DensityAngle of shearing resistance(ɸ)
0 – 4Very loose0 – 15 <28°
4 – 10Loose15 – 3528° – 30°
10 – 30Medium35 – 6530° – 36°
30 – 50Dense65 – 8536° – 41°
>50Very Dense>85> 41°

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Penetration Tests and Soil Sample Exploration – MCQ

Penetration Tests and Soil Sample Exploration – MCQ

Penetration Tests and Soil Sample Exploration – MCQ

1. The SPT-N value is the number of blows required to drive the sampler through the last

a) 15 cm
b) 30 cm ✅
c) 45 cm
d) 50 cm

2. The type of sampler used in standard penetration test is

a) Shelby tube sampler
b) Piston Sampler
c) Split Spoon Sampler ✅
d) Any of these

3. The first 15 cm of drive is considered

a) Blows for SPT
b) Blows for SPT-N
c) Blows for seating drive ✅
d) None of these

4. The hammer falling height is considered as

a) 75 cm ✅
b) 80 cm
c) 85 cm
d) 90 cm

5. The no.of blows for SPT will be

a) For the first 150 mm penetration
b) For the next 300 mm penetration ✅
c) Addition of (a) and (b)
d) None of these

6. After correction standard penetration value is equal to

a) 10 + 0.5(N-15)
b) 15 + 0.5(N-15) ✅
c) 20 + 0.5(N-15)
d) 30 + 0.5(N-15)

7. N value for loos sand is

a) 4
b) 8
c)10 ✅
d) 12

8. N value for very loos sand is

a) 2
b) 4 ✅
c) 8
d) 10

9. Chunk sampling is the process of

a) Disturbed sampling
b) Undisturbed sampling ✅
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) Water sampling

10. A good quality undisturbed soil sample is one which is obtained using a sampling tube having an area of

a) 24 %
b) 16 %
c) 12 %
d) 8 % ✅

11. Undisturbed soil samples are best collected by

a) Thin walled samplers ✅
b) Thick walled samplers
c) Direct excavation
d) Auger

12. The dilatancy correction in SPT is given by

a) N’ = 15 + (N-15)
b) N’ = 15 + 0.5(N-15) ✅
c) N’ = 15 + 0.5(N-10)
d) N’ = 15 + (N-10)

13. The degree of disturbance of soil sample is generally expressed by

a) Void ratio
b) Recovery ratio
c) Area ratio ✅
d) Consolidation ratio

14. The area ratio for a sampling tube with an inner diameter of 72 mm and outer diameter is

a) 0.85
b) 0.085
c) 8.5 ✅
d) 0.065

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3 Types of Soil Samples

Earth Pressure Theories

Swedish Circle Method For Analyzing The Slope Stability

Swedish Circle Method

Swedish circle method for analyzing the slope stability:

This method was first introduced by Fellenius (1926) for the analysis of slope stability of C-φ soil. In this method, the soil mass above the assumed slip circle is divided into a number of vertical slices of equal width. The forces between the slices are neglected and each slice is considered to be an independent column of soil of unit thickness. The location of the center of the failure arc (o) is assumed.

Swedish Circle Method For Analyzing The Slope Stability

The weight of slice [latex] (w) = \gamma bh [/latex]

  • [latex] \gamma [/latex] = Bulk unit weight of soil;
  • h = Average height of slice &
  • b = Width of slice.

The weight of each slice (w) is plotted as a vector and it passes through the midpoint of each slice and is divided into normal & tangential components N & T respectively.


  • N=W cosα
  • T=W sinα

Considering the whole slip surface AB of length ‘L’. If ‘c’ is the unit cohesion, then the resisting force, from Coulomb’s equation is equal to (c L + N tanφ’):


Driving force = ΣT
Resisting force =c L + tanφ’ ΣN

Driving moment =(ΣT) × R
Resisting moment = c L R+ (tanφ’ ΣN × R).

  • ΣT = Sum of all tangential components.
  • ΣN = Sum of all normal components.

So, the Factor of safety (FOS) against sliding is

[latex] F =\frac{Resisting Moment}{Driving Moment}= \frac{c L + \tan \phi \sum N}{\sum T} [/latex]

Putting, N=W cosα, and T=W sinα

[latex] F = = \frac{c L + \tan \phi \sum W \cos \alpha }{\sum W \sin \alpha } [/latex]

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Types of Soil Samples

Assumption of Coulomb’s Theory

9 Assumptions of Coulomb’s Wedge Theory

9 Assumptions of Coulomb’s Wedge Theory

Following are the 9 assumptions of Coulomb’s wedge theory or Coulomb’s wedge failure theory

1. The backfill is dry and cohesionless.

2. The backfill is also homogenous and isotropic.

3. The backfill surface is a plane surface and can be inclined.

4 The back of the wall is vertical and can be inclined.

5. The failure surface is a planner surface that passes through the heel of the wall.

6. The backfill is elastically non-deformable but may be breakable.

7. The position and the line of action of the earth’s pressure are known.

8. Friction is considered between the wall and backfill soil, Therefore, the contact surface is considered rough.

9. The sliding wedge is considered to be a rigid body and the earth pressure is obtained by considering the limiting equilibrium of the sliding wedge as a whole.

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9 Assumptions in Terzaghi Theory

10 Assumptions of Bernoulli’s Theorem

Relation Between Submerged Unit Weight, Specific Gravity, Void Ratio and Unit Weight of Water

Relation Between Submerged Unit Weight, Specific Gravity, Void Ratio and Unit Weight of Water

In this article, we shall make a formula or relation between the submerged unit weight([latex]{\gamma }'[/latex]), specific gravity(G), void ratio(e) and unit weight of water/ density of water([latex]\gamma_{w} [/latex]).

We know,

[latex]\gamma _{sat} = \frac{W_{sat}}{V_{sat}}[/latex]
Or, [latex]\gamma _{sat} = \frac{W_{s} + W_{w}}{V_{s}+V_{v}} [/latex]

Or, [latex]\gamma _{sat} = \frac{G \gamma_{w} + e\gamma_{w} }{1+e}[/latex]

Or, [latex]\gamma _{sat} = \left (\frac{G + e}{1 + e} \right )\gamma_{w}[/latex]

From the definition of submerged unit weight, we have,

[latex] {\gamma }’ = \gamma_{sat} – \gamma_{w} [/latex]

Or, [latex] {\gamma }’ = \left (\frac{G + e}{1 + e} \right )\gamma_{w} – \gamma _{w} [/latex]

Or, [latex] {\gamma }’ = \left (\frac{G – 1}{1 + e} \right )\gamma_{w} [/latex]

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Relation Between Porosity and Void Ratio

Relation Between Dry Unit Weight, Specific Gravity, Percentage of Air Voids and Water Content

Typical Values of Permeability for Different Soils

Typical Values of Permeability for Different Soils

The permeability or coefficient of permeability can be defined as the rate of flow of water through a unit cross-sectional area of the soil under a unit hydraulic gradient at a temperature of [latex]10^{\circ}[/latex]C. Typical values of permeability or coefficient of permeability for different soils are as follows:

Sl. No.Different Types of SoilTypical Value of Permeability
1.Gravel101 to 1 (100)
2. Coarse sand100 to 10-1
3.Medium sand10-1 to 10-2
4. Fine sand10-2 to 10-3
5.Silty sand10-3 to 10-4
6.Delhi silt7 X 10-5
7. Boston blue clay6 X 10-7
8.London clay1.5 X 10-9

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Permeability of Soil

Factors Affecting Permeability

5 Empirical Formula for determination of the coefficient of Permeability

Relation Between Dry Unit Weight, Specific Gravity, Percentage of Air Voids, and Water Content

Relation Between Dry Unit Weight, Specific Gravity, Percentage of Air Voids, and Water Content

In this article, we shall make the formula or relation between the dry unit weight([latex]\gamma _{d}[/latex]), specific gravity(G), percentage of air voids, and water content(w).

[Note: Dry unit weight means dry density]

Relation Between Dry Unit Weight, Specific Gravity, Percentage of Air Voids, and Water Content

Soil three-phase diagram is shown in the above picture. From this diagram, we can write,

Total Volume = Volume of solids ([latex] V_{s} [/latex])+ Volume of water ([latex] V_{w} [/latex]) + Volume of air ([latex] V_{a} [/latex])

[latex]V = V_{s} + V_{w} + V_{a}[/latex]
[Both sides divided by V]
Or, [latex]\frac{V}{V}= \frac{V_{s}}{V} + \frac{V_{w}}{V} + \frac{V_{a}}{V}[/latex]

[We know, [latex] \frac{V_{a}}{V} = n_{a} [/latex]]

Or, [latex]1 = \frac{V_{s}}{V} + \frac{V_{w}}{V} + n_{a}[/latex]
Or, [latex]1 – n_{a} = \frac{V_{s}}{V} + \frac{V_{w}}{V}[/latex]

[ We know, [latex] \gamma_{s} = \frac{W_{s}}{V_{s}} [/latex], and Specific Gravity(G) [latex] = \frac{\gamma_{s}}{\gamma_{w} } = \frac{W_{s}}{V_{s}\gamma_{w} }[/latex] ]

[From this equation, [latex]G = \frac{W_{s}}{V_{s}\gamma_{w} }[/latex], we can write [latex] V_{s} = \frac{W_{s}}{G\gamma _{w}} [/latex]. Now, place the value of [latex] V_{s} [/latex] in the above equation.]

Or, [latex]1 – n_{a} = \frac{W_{s}/G\gamma_{w}}{V} + \frac{W_{w}/\gamma _{w}}{V}[/latex]

[We know, Density of solids[latex](\gamma_{d}) = \frac{W_{s}}{V}[/latex]]

Or, [latex]1 – n_{a} = \frac{\gamma_{d}}{G\gamma_{w} } + \frac{wW_{s}/\gamma _{w}}{V}[/latex]

Or, [latex]1 – n_{a} = \frac{\gamma_{d}}{G\gamma_{w} } + \frac{w\gamma_{d} }{\gamma_{w} }[/latex]

Or, [latex]1 – n_{a} = \frac{\gamma_{d}}{\gamma_{w} }\left [ w + \frac{1}{G} \right ] [/latex]
[latex]\gamma_{d} = \frac{(1 – n_{a})G \gamma_{w}}{1 + wG}[/latex]

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Relation Between Dry unit Weight, Bulk unit Weight & Water Content

Relation Between Void Ratio, Water Content, Degree of Saturation & Specific Gravity

Relation Between Porosity and Void Ratio

5 Empirical Formula for Determination of the Coefficient of Permeability of Soil(K)

5 Empirical Formula for Determination of the Coefficient of Permeability

The coefficient of permeability of soil(K) can also be computed from several empirical formulae, which are given below:

1. Jaky’s Formula

Jakey in 1944 found an empirical formula of ‘K’ for all soils; [latex] K = 100 D_{m}^{2} [/latex] , Where [latex] D_{m} [/latex] is grain size (in cm) that occurs with the greatest frequency.

2. Allen Hazen’s Formula

[latex] K = C D_{10}^{2} [/latex] , where C is a constant. The value of C is taken approximately equal to 100, when [latex] D_{10} [/latex] is expressed in cm.

3. Terzaghi’s Formula

Terzaghi (1955) developed the following formula for fairly uniform sands, which reflects the effects of grain size and void ratio.

[latex] K = 200 D_{e}^{2} . e^2 [/latex] , Where [latex] D_{e} [/latex] = Effective grain size.

4. Kozney’s Formula

[latex] K = \frac{1}{K_{k} \eta S_{s}^{2}} \times \frac{n^3}{1-n^3} [/latex] , where [latex] S_{s} [/latex] = Specific surface of particles, [latex] \eta [/latex] = Viscosity, and [latex] K_{k} [/latex] = Constant( that is equal to 5 for spherical particles).

5. Louden’s Formula

[latex] \Rightarrow log_{10} (KS_{s}^{2}) = a + bn [/latex]

Where a and b are constants, the value of which are 1.365 and 5.15 respectively for permeability at 10°C.

Read Also:

1. Capillarity Permeability Test

2. Coefficient of Permeability of Soil by Constant Head Permeameter

3. Factors Affecting The Permeability

Capillarity Permeability Test – To Determine the Coefficient of Permeability(K) of Soil

Capillarity Permeability Test

In the previous articles, We have discussed Falling Head Permeameter and Constant Head Permeameter for the determination of the coefficient of permeability of the soil. In this article, we are going to discuss the capillarity permeability test or the horizontal capillarity test, which is another method used for determining the coefficient of permeability as well as the value of the capillarity height of the soil sample.

Capillarity Permeability Test
Capillarity Permeability Test

In this test, a sample of dry soil, at the desired density is placed in a transparent glass or lucite tube, about 4cm in diameter and 35 cm long. Water is allowed to flow through the soil sample from one end, under a constant head [latex] h_0 [/latex] and the other end is kept open to the atmosphere through an air vent tube.

At any time interval ‘t’ after the beginning of the test, let the capillary water travels through a distance x from point A to B. At the point A, there is a pressure head [latex] h_0 [/latex], while at the point B, there is a pressure deficiency [latex] h_c [/latex] ( i.e., a negative pressure head ).

Head lost in causing flow from A to B (x distance apart)

 [latex] = h_{0} - (-h_{c}) = h_{0} + h_{c} [/latex]

 Hydraulic gradient
[latex] i = \frac{h_{0} + h_{c}}{x}  [/latex]

 From Darcy's law  

 [latex] v = K.i [/latex]   [Where    [latex]  v_{s} = \frac{v}{n} [/latex] ]

 Or, [latex] n.v _{s}  = K.i [/latex]
     Where [latex] v [/latex] = Discharge velocity,
     [latex]  v_{s}  [/latex]  = Seepage velocity
      and  [latex] n [/latex]  = Porosity

But seepage velocity = [latex] \frac{dx}{dt} [/latex]

If the coefficient of permeability is designated as [latex] K_u [/latex] at a partial saturation [latex] S [/latex], then the above expression may be rewritten as:

[latex] S.n.v_{s} = K_{u}.i [/latex] 

[latex] S.n. \frac{dx}{dt}  = K_{u}. \frac{h_{0} + h_{c}}{x}  [/latex] 

Or, [latex] x.dx = \frac{K_{u}}{S.n} (h_{0} +h_{c}) . dt  [/latex] 

Integrating between the limit [latex] x_1 [/latex] and [latex] x_2 [/latex] for [latex] x [/latex], and corresponding values of time [latex] t_1 [/latex] and [latex] t_2 [/latex], we get

[latex] \int_{x_{1}}^{x_{2}} x.dx = \frac{K_{u}}{S.n}(h_{0}+h_{c})\int_{t_{1}}^{t_{2}} dt [/latex] 

 [latex] \left |\frac{x^2}{2}  \right |_{x_1}^{x_2} = \frac{K_{u}}{S.n} (h_{0}+h_{c})\left |t  \right |_{t_1}^{t_2} [/latex] 

 [latex] \frac{(x_{2}^{2} - x_{1}^{2})}{(t_{2} - t_{1})} =   \frac{2K_{u}}{S.n} (h_{0}+h_{c}) [/latex]  

If [latex] S [/latex]= 100% ( that means S= 1). Now, the above expression becomes

  [latex] \frac{(x_{2}^{2} - x_{1}^{2})}{(t_{2} - t_{1})} =   \frac{2K_{u}}{n} (h_{0}+h_{c}) [/latex]  

In the above equation, there are two unknowns: [latex] k [/latex] and [latex] h_c [/latex]. In order to overcome this difficulty, the test is performed in two stages, with two different heads of water [latex] h_0 [/latex]. The first set of observations is taken under a head [latex] h_{(0)1} [/latex] up to capillary saturation penetrating about half the length of the test tube.

As the capillarity saturation proceeds, the value of [latex] x [/latex] is recorded at various time intervals. A graph between [latex] x^2 [/latex] and [latex] t [/latex] will give a straight line, and its slope is given as:

  [latex] \frac{(x_{2}^{2} - x_{1}^{2})}{(t_{2} - t_{1})} =   m_1 [/latex]  

In the second stage, for the next half of the tube, is performed with head [latex] h_{(0)2} [/latex], and the recorded values of x and t are again used to plot a graph between [latex] x^2 [/latex] and [latex] t [/latex]. The slope of this line, say [latex] m_2 [/latex], is now determined.

   [latex] \frac{(x_{2}^{2} - x_{1}^{2})}{(t_{2} - t_{1})} =   m_2 [/latex]  

Knowing the two slopes, the values of [latex] h_0 [/latex] and [latex] k [/latex]can be computed by the following two-equation.

[latex] \frac{(x_{2}^{2} – x_{1}^{2})}{(t_{2} – t_{1})} = m_1 = \frac{2K_{u}}{S.n} (h_{0(1)}+h_{c}) [/latex]

[latex]\frac{(x_{2}^{2} – x_{1}^{2})}{(t_{2} – t_{1})} = m_2 = \frac{2K_{u}}{S.n} (h_{0(2)}+h_{c})[/latex]

The degree of saturation S can also be found by measuring the wet mass of the soil sample at the end of the experiment. The porosity is computed from the known dry mass, volume and specific gravity.

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Factors Affecting The Permeability

Permeability of Soil – Darcy’s law