Length Of Transition Curve Design Method

Length Of Transition Curve

In this article, I will show you how to design the length of the transition curve or, how to calculate or, determine the length of the transition curve.

Length Of Transition Curve Design Method

The length of the transition curve is designed to fulfil the three conditions as mentioned below. The length of the transition curve for design should be the highest of the three values.

1. The Rate of Change of Centrifugal Acceleration

The rate of change of centrifugal acceleration is to be developed gradually. From this consideration the length transition curve is given by the following equation:

Ls = 0.0215 V³/ CR

Where, Ls = Length of transition curve in m, V = Speed of vehicle in Km/h, C = Rate of change of centrifugal acceleration, R = Radius of the circular curve in m.

The minimum and maximum values of C are limited to 0.5 & 0.8 respectively.

2. The Rate of Introduction of Designed Super Elevation 

The rate of introduction of designed superelevation is to be at a reasonable rate. From this consideration, the length of the transition curve is given by the following :

Ls = e.N (W + We)/2

Where, e = The rate of designed superelevation, W = Normal pavement width in m, We = Extra widening pavement at the circular curve in m. 1/N = Rate of change of superelevation (Minimum value of N is 150 to 60 ). 

3. By Empirical Formula

According to I.R.C standards, the length of the horizontal transition curve should act, then the value given by the following equations:

a)For plain and rolling terrain

Ls = 2.7 V²/R

b)For mountainous and steep terrain

Ls = V²/R

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