Vastu Shastra For House, Plot, Shop, Flat & Office Building Construction

Vastu Shastra For House, Plot, Shope, Flat & Office Building Construction

Vastu shastra is an ancient science that is mostly followed by Indian households. But all the cases are not possible to follow such methodology. But if you can follow this method, you may be healthy and promising in your life.

I request you to read these article carefully before making any decision about buying or constructing any house, flat, plot, office or shop. In this article, I will discuss about the guidelines or rules for the layout of buildings according to Vastu shastra

1. Rules for buying any plots according to Vastu shastra.

2. Guidelines or rules for buying any flat or constructing any house according to Vastu shastra.

3. Rules for buying or constructing shop or office according to Vastu shastra.

1. Rules for buying any plots according to Vastu shastra

i) First, you need to know about the plot facing. According to Vastu shastra plot facing side should be East. If not possible, then the second preference is North-East.

ii) Spearing roads should be situated East or North-East direction of the plot. And, the second preference for the road is North or North-East direction.

iii) 3rd important point is the shape of the plot. The shape of the plot should be square with North-East extended or Fully square.

vi) Quality of the soil is another important point that should be considered before buying a plot. According to the Vastu Shastra, the first preference of the soil quality is yellowish red soil with a pleasant smell, and the second preference is Reddish soil with a pleasant smell.

vii) The plot sloping should be towards North-East or East.

Viii) If there is a lake or water body, then it should be towards the North-East or towards the East.

Item1st Preference2nd Preference
1. Which side is recommended for the plot facingEastNorth east
2. RoadsEast or North EastNorth or North East
3. Plot shapeSquare with NE extendedSquare
4. Soil qualityYellowise red with pleasant smeelReddish with pleasant smell
5. Plot sloping towardsNorth EastEast
6. In which direction is the plot raisedSouth WestWest
7. Angle of tilt with respect to the magnetic axis0 to 5 degree 5 to 10 degree
8. SurroundingsA lake or water body towards North East A lake or water body towards East

2. Vastu-Shastra For House and Flat

1. First thing which comes to our mind is that the position of the main gate. According to the Vastu Shastra, first preference for gate or entrance is North-East direction and second preference is East direction.

2. The second point is that what will be the position of the kitchen? According to the Vastu Shastra, first preference for kitchen is South East and the second preference is North-East direction.

3. 3rd point is that the location of the master bedroom. In case of the master bedroom, the first preference is South-West direction and second preference is South direction.

4. As per Indian Vastu shastra, the position of the children’s room should be North-West direction of the house. If it is not possible, then the second preference for the children’s room is South-West direction.

5. Next point is the location of the guest room. The first preference for the guest room is towards North-West direction, and second preference is towards the North direction.

6. Now, another very important point is the position of the drawing or dining room. According to the Vastu Shastra, the first preference for the drawing or dining room is the East direction, and the second preference is the North direction of the house.

7. Next, what will be the position of the tube well and underground tank? As per the guideline of the Vastu Shastra, it should be situated in North-West or West direction.

8. Position of toilets or bathroom. The Position of the toilets or bathroom is the most important thing I’ve ever seen. This is very seriously considered by everyone in our country. It is believed that if the bathroom is not located as per the VASTU SHASTRA, then it may hinders the improvement of the house.

According to the Vastu Sastra, the position of the toilets or bathroom should be either North-West direction or West direction. North-East direction is always considered as evil direction for bathroom or toilets. So, it should be avoided before starting any construction.

Details is coming soon ……

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