Water Carriage System
The water carriage system is the modern method of conveyance of sewage. In this system, water is used as a medium for conveying the sewage to the treatment plant and final disposal.

In this system, the excremental matter are mixed up in a large quantity of water and carried through underground sewers to the treatment plant and suitably disposed off. Â
The garbage is collected and conveyed as in the case of conservancy system. The stormwater may be carried separately or may be allowed to flow with the sewage.
Advantages of Water Carriage System
Following are the advantages of water carriage system:
1. This system permits a compact design of buildings.
2. This system is hygienic.
3. The risk of an outbreak of epidemic is greatly reduced.
4. Less area is required for treatment and disposal.
5. There are no chances of nuisance on the streets.
6. Only a few labors are required.
7. Self-cleaning velocity can be easily obtained.
8. The usual water supply is sufficient and no additional water is required.
9. Sewage after proper treatment can be used for various purposes.
10. There is no risk of pollution of underground water.
Disadvantages of Water Carriage System
Following are the disadvantages of water carriage system:
1. The initial cost is high.
2. In the rainy season, the volume of sewage flows to the treatment plant is high which may exceed the normal capacity of the treatment plant.
3. In case of any break of water supply, the system is highly affected.
4. Highly skilled labour and technical persons are required for the maintenance of this system.
Read more:
Comparison Between Conservancy System & Water Carriage System