16 Municipal Rules Regulation For House Sewer Connection with the Street Main Sewer

Municipal Rules Regulation For House Sewer Connection with The Street Main Sewer

The following principles and municipal rules are adopted for the efficient drainage system. 16 Municipal Rules Regulation House Sewer Connection are:

1) The lavatory blocks should be so located that the length of the drainage line is minimum. At least one wall of the lavatory block should be an outside wall to facilitate the fixing of soil and vent pipes.

16 Municipal Rules Regulation For House Sewer Connection with the Street Main Sewer

2) For better maintenance and easy repairs, the house sewer pipes should preferably be laid by the side of the building. It should not be laid below building or in walls.

3) All drains and sewer pipes should be aligned straight between successive inspection chambers or manhole. All junctions should be oblique and contained angle should not exceed 45°.

4) The lateral sewer and drains should be laid at sufficient slopes so as to develop self-cleaning velocity.

5) The size of the drain or sewer should be sufficient.

6) To avoid back-flow and inefficient building drainage, the house sewer should be connected to the public sewer in such a way that the outfall level of the house sewer is sufficiently higher than the water level of the public sewer.

7) The plumbing system should contain enough number of traps at suitable points.

8) Intercepting trap should be provided at the junction of house sewer and public sewer.

9) Rainwater from the room or courtyards should not be allowed to mix with house sewage or sullage rainwater pipes should drain out rainwater directly into the street gutters.

10) Sewer joints should be watertight. Highly quality-sewer pipes should be used in the system.

11) The entire drainage system should have proper ventilation arrangement.

12) The layout of the house drainage system should be such that it can be repaired or cleaned easily if necessary.

13) The distance between inspection and gully chamber should not exceed 6 m.

14) If there is a possibility of a surcharge in the sewer under storm condition. all gullies and sanitary fitting should be located above the level of maximum surcharge. If it is not possible, an anti-flood valve should be provided in the manhole nearest to the junction of drain and sewer.

15) Manholes should be provided at each end immediately outside the building.

16) If part of the pipe is laid above the ground, it should be laid on concrete supports.

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Primary Treatment Process of Sewage

Characteristics of Sewage

Secondary Sedimentation Tank or Clarifier

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