Procedure For Doing Earthwork in Embankment

Procedure For Doing Earthwork in Embankment

The process of cutting and removing earth from borrow pits, transporting and placing it as a fill in the form of an embankment is known as an earthwork in embankment or filling.

When the formation level of a road is to be kept higher than the natural ground level, the road is run in filling.

The earthwork in embankment is carried out in the following steps:

1. Making Profiles Of Embankment

Profiles of the embankment are constructed with poles and strings. These are constructed at 30 m intervals for guiding labour. For ordinary embankments, 10 % allowance for settlement is kept while making profiles.

2. Stripping And Storing Top Soil

After making the profiles of the embankment, the top soil of the site is stripped to the specified depth and stored at a suitable location.

3. Constructing Embankment

After stripping and storing top soil, the original ground is compacted by rolling with 8 – 10 ton roller. Then filling is started in layers not exceeding 250 mm and compacted with road roller. 

These layers are kept slightly concave in shape. The successive layers of the earth should be placed only when the previous layer has been thoroughly compacted.

Read Also:

 Procedure For Doing Earthwork in Cutting