Advantages of quality control of concrete
The general feeling is that quality control involves extra cost, this is certainly not so. The advantages of quality control offset the extra cost. Some of the advantages of quality control of concrete are described below.
1) Quality control of concrete assures rational use of available resources and thus reduces the materials cost.
2) Quality control provides a guarantee of desirable quality at every stage of work.
3) In the absence of quality control at the site, the designer is often tempted to over-design to minimize the risk which ultimately increases the overall cost.
4) Checks at every stage of production and rectification of the faults at the right time expedite the completion and thereby reduce delay.
5) The adoption of quality control reduces the maintenance cost.

Factors Affecting the Quality Control of Concrete
The main factors of variation in concrete quality are as follows
1. Availability of experienced, knowledgeable and trained personnel at all levels of work.
2) Attitude and orientation of people involved in the work.
3) Variation in the source of ingredients.
4) Variation in the quality of constituent materials.
5) Variation in mix proportion due to the batching process.
6) Variation in the quality of batching and mixing equipment available.
7) Variation in the process of transporting, placing, compaction and curing of concrete.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Concrete