Core Cutter Method For Determination of Field Density of Soil

Core Cutter Method For Determination of Field Density of Soil

Core cutter method is used to determine in situ density of soil in undisturbed condition. It is suitable for fine-grained soil.

Test Equipment 

The Apparatus used for this test consists of

1) cylindrical core cutter 10 cm in diameter and about 13 cm high.

2) cylindrical dolly about 2.5 cm high.

3) Steel Rammer.


A small area about 30 cm х 30 cm of soil is exposed and levelled. The core cutter is placed over the cleaned area and the dolly is placed on the core cutter.

The whole assembly is pushed down into the ground with the help of suitable Rammer till about 1 cm of the dolly remains above the ground surface. The cutter containing the soil is taken out. The dolly is removed and the excess soil is trimmed off.

The weight of the soil(W) in the cutter is measured. The bulk density of soil 𝜸t is calculated from the relation 𝜸t =W/V, where V is the volume of the cutter. The water content(w) of excavated soil is determined in the laboratory.

The dry density of soil 𝜸d is calculated from the relation. 

𝜸d  =  𝜸t /(1+w)