5 Differences Between Pre-tensioning and Post-tensioning Systems

5 Differences Between Pre-tensioning & Post-tensioning Systems

Following are the 5 differences between the pre-tensioning and post-tensioning systems:

Pre-tensioning System

1. It is cheaper because there is no expenditure on rubber core, spacer, etc.

2. It provides more certainty about durability.

3. This method is suitable for factory production.

4. Loss of pre-stress is more.

5. Since this method is used for factory production. The size of the member is limited.

Post-tensioning System

1. It is costly because of the use of rubber core, spacer, etc.

2. There is dependence on two anchorages.

3. This method may be employed for both pre-cast and cast-in-situ members.

4. Loss of pre-stress is comparatively less.

5. Since this method can be employed for both pre-cast and cast-in-situ members. The size of the member may be any.

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