Mechanical Analogy on The Principle of Consolidation
The principle of consolidation can be explained with the help of a mechanical model as described by Terzaghi. This model is also known as the Spring analogical model.
The model consists of a cylinder with a frictionless piston as shown in the figure.

The piston is supported on one or more helical metallic spring. There are some adjustable holes in the piston. If the cylinder is completely filled up with water up to the bottom of the Piston, the spring will be represented as the soil mass and the water will be represented as the pore water in the soil mass.
By closing the Piston holes, if some pressure(p) is applied through the Piston, the whole pressure will be transferred to the water and upward pressure(u) will be increased and become equal to(p) such a condition represents a highly impermeable clay-water system.
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