Properties and Function of Bogue’s Compounds

Bogue’s Compounds

Following are the four compounds which are known as bogues compounds and their formula & abbreviated formula are described below:

Name of Bogues Compound  Abbreviated FormulaFormula
Tri-calcium silicate  C3S3 Cao.Sio2 
Di-calcium silicate  C2S2 Cao.Sio2 
Tri-calcium aluminate   C3A3 Cao.Al2o3
Tetra-calcium alumino-ferrite   C4AF4 Cao.Al2o3.Fe2o3

Properties and Function of Bogue’s Compounds

The Bogue’s compounds (basic compounds) of Ordinary Portland Cement and their function are given below:  

Bogue’s Compounds% by mass of cementProperties & Function of bogue’s compounds
Tri-calcium silicate (C3S)25-50It hydrates at a faster rate and produces higher heat of hydration. It is responsible for rapid hardening with an early gain in strength & has less resistance to chemical attack.  
 Di-calcium silicate(C2S) 20-45 It hydrates & hardens slowly and produces less heat of hydration. It provides much of the ultimate strength & has greater resistance to chemical attack.  
 Tri-calcium aluminate(C3A) 5-12 It is the first compound which starts hydrating. It produces the highest heat of hydration & responsible for the setting of cement.  
 Tetra-calcium alumino-ferrite (C4AF) 6-12 It hydrates rapidly but its individual contribution to the overall strength of cement is insignificant.

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