11 Situation Which Demands Pile Foundation For a Structure
The Pile foundation can be used for any type of soil and for any type of structure. In fact, they provide a common solution to all the difficult problems of the foundation. But it doesn’t mean that you can use the pile foundation wherever you want, because it is very costly than other types of foundations.

If we provide this foundation without knowing whether it is needed, then the cost of construction will be very high. Following are the situations which demand the adoption of the pile foundation for the structure:
1. If the load coming from the structure is very high, then the pile foundation is the best solution in this situation.
2. When loads coming from the structure is not uniform, and also very heavy.
3. Where it is not possible to provide a grillage or raft foundation due to local difficulties.
4. When the layer of soil is compressible or very weak.
5. If the foundation is to be built up in a water-logged area then pile foundation is preferred.
6. If hard-bearing strata is located at a large depth, then it is necessary to consider the pile foundation.
7. If the other types of foundations are not possible to adopt due to the presence of the groundwater table in a very shallow depth, then the adoption of the pile foundation will be the best solution.
8. They are also used as anchors.
9. When the structure is to be constructed on a rive-bed or sea shore.
10. If it is not possible to keep the foundation trenches in dry condition by pumping due to a very strong inflow of seepage or capillary water.
11. They are also used for the construction of docks, piers, and other marine structures.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Precast Concrete Piles
Pulling out the Piles – Reasons & Methods