Factors considering Selection of Site For a Bridge & Culvert Construction
The selection of a site for bridges and culverts is an art and requires considerable investigation. A few points that deserve attention are given below.

1. A site which is on a straight reach of the drainage should be selected. The curved reach of drainage should be avoided as far as possible.
2. The stream at bridge side should have permanent, firm, straight and high banks.
3. The stream at the Bridge site should be well defined and as narrow as possible.
4. The site should be sufficiently away from the confluence point.
5. There should be no scouring and silting of the stream at the bridge site.
6. A site which offers a square crossing should be selected as far as possible.
7. The site which offers more advantageous foundation condition should be preferred.
8. A site which is sufficiently away from the landslides and subsidence should be preferred.
9. The site should not interfere adversely with any other bridges, weirs, regulators, dams, etc in the vicinity.
10. There should be a minimum obstruction to natural waterway at the bridge site.
11. The stream at the bridge site should be free from costly river training works.
12. The bridge should provide proximity to the direct alignment of the communication route to be served.
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Difference Between Bridge and Culvert