Month: June 2019

Shuttering in Construction

Shuttering in Construction

The shuttering shall be of approved dressed timber of well seasoned wooden boards, to give a smooth and even surface and the joints shall not permit leakage of cement grout. 

The timber shall be free from loose knots, projected nails, splits, adhering grout or other defects that may mar cement surface of the concrete. Opening for fan clamps and other fitting connected with services shall be provided in the shuttering as directed by Engineer-in-charge

(i) Surface treatment for shuttering

The surface of timber shuttering that would come in contact with concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned and well wetted and coated with soap solution, raw linseed oil, or form oil of approved manufacturer, or any other approved materials such as polythene sheets, to prevent adhesion of concrete to formwork. 

(ii) Camber

Suitable camber shall be provided in horizontal members of structures specially in long members to counteract the effects of deflection.

The camber for beams and slabs shall be 4mm per meter i.e, 1 in 250 and for cantilevers, at free and shall be 1/50th of the projected length or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 

(iii) Removal of Formwork

The formwork shall be removed avoiding shock or vibration that may cause any damage to concrete. In a slab and beam constructions, side of the beam shall be stripped first; then the undersides of the slab and lastly underside of the beam.

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Method of Brick Flat Soling in Foundation Trenches

Method of Brick Flat Soling in Foundation Trenches

Brick Soling

The method of brick flat soling is very easy, in this process, the brick is laid into the foundation trenches. For Brick Soling, skilled workers are not required.

Method of Brick Flat Soling in Foundation Trenches

⇰ Picked Jhama or second class bricks in dry condition shall be laid on the foundation bed as headers with frog upward

⇰ All bricks shall be laid closely with brick joints and the small gaps between them shall be field up with local fine sand and dry loose earth

Brick-bats which are the permitted to be used only to provide break joints shall be placed at the edges of trenches. 

⇰ The finished surface shall be levelled both longitudinally and transversely

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Types of Foundation Settlement

Difference Between Shallow And Deep Foundation

10 Way To Prevent of Concrete Deterioration

How To Prevent Concrete Deterioration?

The following measures are taken to prevent deterioration of concrete:

1. From the consideration of permeability, the water-cement ratio is usually limited to 0.45 to 0.55.  

2. The cement content should be such that it ensures sufficient alkalinity to prevent corrosion of reinforcement. For concreting under marine environment, minimum cement content of 350 kg/m or more is to be used.  

3. The water-cement ratio and the cement content must provide enough paste to overfill the voids in compacted concrete.  

4. Use of Portland slag cement or Portland pozzolana cement is advantageous for concreting in sea water.  

5. Use of Portland cement having C3A content less than 5% is suitable for concreting under sulphate environment.  

6. The super-sulphated cement provides acceptable durability against the acidic environment.

7. Addition of hydraulic additives is also helpful to prevent the deterioration of concrete.

8. It is possible to attain a marked improvement in the quality of concrete by encouraging natural or artificial carbonation of the surface layer.  

9. Deterioration of concrete can also be prevented by treating the concrete with solutions of suitable salts or even acids in minor concentration.

10. The durability of concrete can also be increased by impregnating the pores with a suitable polymer.

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Causes of Deterioration of Concrete

Factors Affecting The Durability of Concrete

Causes of Deterioration of Concrete

Causes of Deterioration of Concrete

Deterioration of concrete is caused due to the influence of both external and internal agencies. The external or environmental agencies causing the deterioration of concrete includes:

  • Weathering.
  • Attack by natural or industrial liquids and gases.
  • Acids in the form of water solution.
  • Fertilizers, insecticides and certain organic compounds.
  • Attack by biological agents.

The internal agencies responsible for the deterioration of concrete includes:

  • Harmful alkali-aggregate reactions.
  • Volume changes due to non-compatible thermal and mechanical properties of aggregates and cement paste.
  • Presence of sulphates and chlorides in the ingredients of concrete.

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8 Factors Influencing the Choice of Mix Proportions

How to Reduce Bleeding in Concrete

10 Way To Prevent of Concrete Deterioration

8 Factors Influencing the Choice of Mix Proportions

8 Factors Influencing the Choice of Mix Proportions

According to IS 456-2000 and IS 1343-1980, the designs of the concrete mix should be based on the following factors:

8 Factors Influencing the Choice of Mix Proportions

1. Grade Designation

The grade designation gives characteristic compressive strength requirements of concrete. It is the major factor influencing the mix design

The concrete mix has to be designed for a target mean compressive strength which is somewhat higher than the characteristic compressive strength.

2. Types and Grades of Cement

The rate of development of compressive strength of concrete depends upon the type & grade of cement used. The choice of the type of cement depends upon the requirements of performance at hand. 

Where very high compressive strength is required, Portland cement of grades 43 and 53 will be found suitable.

3. Maximum Nominal Size of Aggregates

The workability and compressive strength of concrete greatly depend upon the maximum size of aggregates. The workability increases with an increase in the maximum size of the aggregate.  

On the other hand use of the large maximum size of aggregate, requires a smaller quantity of cement for a particular water-cement ratio. However, the smaller size aggregates provide a large surface area for bonding with the mortar matrix which increases the compressive strength.

4. Grading of Combined Aggregate

The grading of combined aggregate i.e., the relative proportion of the fine & coarse aggregates in a concrete mix is one of the important factors affecting the strength and workability of concrete. For dense concrete, it is essential that the coarse and fine aggregates be well grade.

5. Water-Cement Ratio

At a given age and under normal temperature, the compressive strength of concrete depends primarily on the water-cement ratio. The lower the water-cement ratio, the greater the compressive strength & vice-versa.

6. Workability

Insufficient workability of concrete may be liable for incomplete compaction of concrete which ultimately affects the strength, durability & surface finish of the concrete.

7. Durability

The durability of concrete is its ability to resist deterioration due to weathering action, chemical attack, abrasion etc. The requirements of durability are achieved by restricting the minimum cement content & the maximum water-cement ratio.

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From the consideration of permeability, the water-cement ratio is usually restricted to 0.45 to 0.55. For a given water-cement ratio, the cement content should correspond to the required workability considering the placing conditions and the concentration of reinforcement.  

In addition, the cement content is chosen to ensure sufficient alkalinity to provide a passive environment against the corrosion of steel.

8. Quality Control

The strength of concrete may vary from batch to batch over a period of time.    The source of variation in the strength of concrete may be considered due to the variation in the quality of materials, mix proportion, mixing equipment, supervision & workmanship. The factor controlling this variation is quality control. The degree of control is ultimately evaluated by the variation in test results.

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Quality Control of Concrete And Their Purpose 

Types of Concrete

4 Difference Between Air-entrained and Lightweight Concrete

Difference Between Air-entrained and Lightweight Concrete

Following are the 4 difference between air-entrained concrete and lightweight Concrete:

Air entrained Concrete

1. The concrete which is made by mixing a small quantity of air-entraining agent or using air-entraining cement is called air-entrained concrete.

2. It is made by mixing a small quantity of air-entraining agent or using air-entraining cement.

3. This concrete is particularly suitable for places where there is a greater chance of frost attack.

4. Its unit weight is less than the ordinary concrete but more than the lightweight concrete.

Lightweight Concrete

1. The concrete whose density varies from 300 to 1800 kg/m is known as lightweight concrete.

2. It is prepared by adopting any more of the following measures:

  • a) By cellular construction.
  • b) By using no fines concrete.
  • c) By using lightweight aggregates such as expanded clay, shale and slate, fly ash, blast furnace slag etc.

3. It is highly used as an insulator to the exterior wall of all types of buildings.

4. Its unit weight is less than air-entrained concrete.

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Polymer Concrete

High Strength Concrete

6 Difference Between Prestressed and Reinforced Cement Concrete

Necessity of Adding Gypsum (CaSO4) in Cement Manufacture

Necessity of Adding Gypsum (CaSO4) in Cement Manufacture

Portland cement is obtained from grinding clinkers and usually sets and hardens immediately after the addition of water. In order to slow down the setting time of cement, gypsum @ 3% to 4% is added during the process of clinker grinding.  

If the quantity of gypsum(CaSO4) is more, the cement becomes very slow setting. It also hardens slowly which results in delay the removal of formwork. Gypsum combines with tricalcium aluminate and prevents flash setting.

But, if more gypsum is added with cement, the excess amount after combining with tricalcium aluminate remains free in cement. It expands and makes the cement unsound.

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Cement Test

15 Precaution To be Taken To Prepare Good Quality Concrete

Chemical Composition of Cement

How to Reduce Bleeding in Concrete

How to Reduce Bleeding in Concrete?

The tendency of water to rise to the surface of freshly placed concrete is called bleeding. Bleeding causes the formation of a porous, weak and non-durable concrete layer at the top. It also increases the permeability of concrete.

Bleeding can be reduced by adopting the following measures:

  • Using pozzolanic materials.
  • Proper proportioning of ingredients and uniform & complete mixing.
  • Using air-entraining agents.
  • Using finer cement. 

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Segregation of Concrete – 4 Causes and 5 Prevention

Method of Test For Bleeding of Concrete

Method of Test For Bleeding of Concrete

Method of Test For Bleeding of Concrete

This test determines the relative quantity of mixing water that will bleed from a sample of freshly mixed concrete.


The apparatus used to conduct the bleeding test of concrete are:

1. A cylindrical container having inside diameter of 250mm, inside height of 280mm and capacity of 0.01m³(approximately).

2. A tamping rod made of steel of 16mm in diameter and 600mm long.

3. A pipette.

4. A graduated jar of 100cm³ capacity.


Following are the procedure for bleeding test of concrete:  

A sample of freshly mixed concrete is obtained. The concrete is filled in the cylindrical container in equal five layers and each layer is tamped by tamping rod. The top surface is made smooth by trowelling.  

The test specimen is weighted and the weight of the concrete is noted. Knowing the total water content in 1m³ concrete. The quantity of water in the concrete in the cylindrical container is calculated.  

The cylindrical container is kept in a level surface free from vibration at a temperature of 27℃ ± 2℃. Water accumulated at the top is collected by pipette at regular interval till bleeding ceases. All the bleeding water is stored in a measuring jar. Then

Method of Test For Bleeding of Concrete

Bleeding Water Percentage = (Total quantity of bleeding water/Total quantity of water in the sample of concrete)×100%

Read Also:

Segregation of Concrete – 4 Causes and 5 Prevention

15 Equipment For Chain Survey

15 Equipment For Chain Survey

The following 15 types of equipment are required for conducting chain survey

  1. Metric chain
  2. Arrows
  3. Metallic tape
  4. Ranging rods
  5. Offset rod
  6. Clinometer
  7. Plum bob with thread.
  8. Cross staff or optical square.
  9. Prismatic compass withstand.
  10. Wooden pegs.
  11. Mallet.
  12. Field book
  13. Good pencil
  14. Pen knife
  15. Eraser(rubber)