Ash Pits in Railway Locomotives

Ash Pits in Railway Locomotives

It is essential to remove ashes from a locomotive boiler at frequent intervals. The ash pits are provided to receive the ashes from the locomotives. They are usually rectangular in shape.

The depth of an ash pit is around 1.067 m or slightly more or less than this value, and the length is kept slightly more than the length of the longest engine expected to use the ash pits.

The rails are fixed on longitudinal beams provided at the top of the walls. The beams may be of steel, concrete or timber. The timber beams should be well protected against the heating effect of ashes.

The ashes which are collected in the ash-pits should be as possible as early removed from there. For this purpose, a proper drainage system and the required water supply should be provided.

The bottom surface of the ash-pits should be given sufficient slope so that water can be taken out by sump and drain arrangement.

Sometimes the ash pits are located near the water column so that the locomotives can dispose off ashes while taking over water from the water column.

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