Blast Furnace Slag Ballast and their Advantages & Disadvantages

Blast Furnace Slag Ballast

It is a waste product obtained from the blast furnace of the steel industry. High-grade slag fulfills all the characteristics of good ballast.

Steel slag is a dense rock with a density of not less than 3.2 g/cm3, So, steel slag is successfully used as a rail ballast.

Advantages of Blast Furnace Slag Ballast:

1. It is cheap material.

2. It has good drainage properties.

3. It is a strong material.

4. It holds the tracks in the correct alignment and gradient.

5. It can resist erosion.

Disadvantages of Blast Furnace Slag Ballast:

1. It is not available in large quantities.

2. Spreading this material on the formation is difficult.

3. Maintenance of track laid on slag ballast is difficult.

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