Facilities Required at Railway Stations

Facilities Required at Railway Stations

The features or requirements of a railway station can be grouped as under.

  1. Public Requirements.
  2. Traffic Requirements.
  3. Requirements of the locomotive department.
  4. General Requirement.
Facilities Required at Railway Stations

1. Public Requirements

i. A booking office for tickets.
ii. A platform for goods and passengers.
iii. A minimum platform covering.
iv. Proper lighting for night times.

v. Proper arrangement of drinking water.
vi. A refrigerator to supply cold water in hot weather if possible.
vii. Proper sanitary arrangements.
viii. Bathrooms

ix. Refreshment Rooms.
x. Waiting rooms and retiring rooms.
xi. Public telephone.
xii. Microphones to announce the arrival and departure of trains.

xiii. Guide map of the town.
xiv. A big board to show the timetable of the trains.
xv. Police office to help the passengers, and to avoid any violation.
xvi. Inquiry office.
xvii. Boards showing reservation charts.

2. Traffic Requirements

i. Proper arrangements for booking tickets, issuing of luggage labels and goods receipts, and also, the arrangement to collect all these things at the end of the journey should be made.

ii. The way for controlling and reporting the movement of trains by means of signals should be made.

iii. A sufficient number of sidings and platforms should be constructed to handle goods and traffic.

iv. A suitable platform should be provided for loading, unloading and storing of goods without any difficulties.

Facilities Required at Stations

v. In the case of a big station, for moving luggage and heavy goods through lifts or underground passages should be constructed.

vi. Arrangements should be made to accommodate the staff of the traffic department.

3. Requirements of the Locomotive Department

Following are the requirements of the locomotive department.

i. Proper arrangements for supplying fuel and water to locomotives should be made.

ii. In a proper way, cleaning and examining the locomotives should be provided.

iii. The facility should be provided for maintaining and inspecting the locomotive.

4. General Requirement

General requirements or requirements for the development of railways are as follows:

i. Easy and suitable approach roads should be available towards the stations from the surrounding areas.
ii. Clocks for the correct time should be provided.
iii. Availability of coolies
iv. Foot bridges for connecting various platforms should be constructed.

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