5 Purposes of Providing Superelevation in Roads

5 Purposes of Providing Superelevation

Following are the 5 purposes or advantages of providing superelevation on the curve portion of a road.

Purposes of Providing Superelevation in Roads

1. When a vehicle is moving on a curved path it is subject to an outward force known as centrifugal force. In order to counteract the effect of the centrifugal force, superelevation is provided. 

Know more –Maximum And Minimum SuperElevation

2. It helps to keep your speed constant with comfort on a curve path.

3. It reduces the number of accidents.

4. It helps to drain off rainwater towards the inner side. so no need to provide camber at this portion of roads…(Analysis of Superelevation Formula)

5. It also helps to keep the vehicles to their proper side on the roads and thus prevents head collision of vehicles moving in opposite directions.