Factors Affecting The Water Requirement of Crops
Following are the five factors affecting the water requirement of crops:
1. Water Table
Water requirements for the crop depend on the position of the water table. Water requirement will be less if the water table is nearer to the ground surface.

But if the water table is much below to the ground surface, therefore water requirement will be more.
2. Ground Slope
If the ground slope is steep. The water flows down quickly along the slope of the land, and the soil gets less time to absorb required moisture for their growth, that means the water loss is more for steep ground. Hence, the water requirement will be more.
But if the ground is flat, the water flows gently and the soil gets enough time to absorb the required moisture. so the water requirement is less.
3. Weather
In hot weather, the loss of water is more due to the increase of evaporation and also increase the transpiration through leaves, therefore, the water requirement will be more.
But in cold weather, the evaporation loss is very low, therefore the water requirement will be less.
4. Method of Application of Water
In surface method, evaporation loss is more. Hence, more water required to overcome the loss of water due to evaporation.
But in sub-surface method, evaporation loss is less, so water requirement will be less.
5. Method of Ploughing
For deep ploughing, the water requirement is less because the soil can hold moisture for a long period and vice versa.
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