Requirements of a Good Stair
All the requirements of a good stair are given one by one as follows as per ISI recommendation.

1. Location
The stair should be located in such a place that it can be easily accessed. The stairs should be situated near the main entrance in the case of public buildings. And, in the case of residential buildings, it should be centrally placed and all rooms should have a simple, convenient approach to the stair. A good stair should be well-ventilated and lighted.
2. Width of the stair
The width of the stair is a very important point when considering a good stair. The width of the stair rely on the situation and the purpose. The minimum width of the stairs is fixed on the basis that two persons can cross each other on the stairs without any difficulties. The width of the stairs should be more in case the number of stair users is likely to be higher.
In public buildings where there is more daily traffic using stairs, the width of stairs should be more. And, in that case, the minimum width of the stair may be 1.37 m to 1.5 m. In the case of residential buildings, the width may be provided on a minimum basis. And, in that case, the minimum width of the stair may be 0.9 m.
3. Pitch of the Stair
The inclination of the stair should not be less than 25° and should not exceed 40°. Too much inclination requires the introduction of large risers which is dangerous for the users. Old and weak persons may feel it difficult to use such stairs. Too flat slope is also not considered desirable.
4. Head Room
The clear distance between the tread and the soffit of the flight, immediately above it, should not be less than 2.14 m.
5. Length of flight
The number of steps in a flight should be a minimum of 3 and a maximum preferably not more than 12. A flight of single-step should never be introduced, anywhere, under any circumstances.
6. Landing
The width of the landing should not be less than the width of the stair.
7. Winders
As far as possible, the introduction of winders should be avoided. Winders may prove dangerous and also involve extra expenditure in shaping them.
8. Balustrade
From a safety point of view, open well stairs should be provided with balustrade on the open side of the stair.
9. Hand Rail
When the flight of the stair consists of more than three steps, a handrail should be provided to give support to the users of the stair.
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