The Bombay Road Plan || Highway Engineering

The Bombay Road Plan (1961-81): By the end of the Nagpur road plan, the length of roads imagined under it was accomplished, however, the framework of the road was insufficient in numerous regards. The changed financial, industrial, and agricultural conditions in the nation in that period required a review of the Nagpur design.

The Bombay Road Plan

Hence, a second long-term plan of 20 years was drafted by the Roads wing of the Government of India, which is popularly known as the Bombay Road Plan.

Features of the Bombay Road Plan

The aggregate street length focused on development was around 10 lakhs km which will give a road density of 32 km per 100 sq. km. 40 percent of the length would be surfaced.

The construction of 1600 km of expressways was also included in the plan.

Funds for highway financing should come not only from direct beneficiaries (motor vehicles) but also from those on whom indirect benefits accrue. Sources that may be tapped are betterment levy, land revenue, toll projects, and taxes on diesel oil used for motor vehicles. 

The question of vesting authority with road engineers to remove encroachments needs to be examined. Traffic engineering cells should be established in each State. 

Audio of Bombay Road Plan

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Development of Roads in India