Types of Curves In Railway

Types of Curves In Railway

The various curves used on railways can be broadly classified into the following two types: 

a) Horizontal Curves.
b) Vertical Curves.

Types of Curves In Railway

Horizontal Curves In Railway

These curves are provided whenever there is change in the direction of alignment of the track. They are usually circular with parabolic transition curves at either end. Horizontal curves are further subdivided into the following categories:

1 ) Simple curves. 
2) Compound curves. 
3) Reverse curves.
4) Deviation curves.
5) Transition curves. 

Vertical Curves In Railway

These curves are provided whenever there is change in the gradient. They are usually parabolic curves. Vertical curves are further subdivided into the following two categories: 

1) Summit curves.
2) Valley curves. 

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Function of Rails

Railway Gauge

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