General Principles to be Observed in Wooden Joints
Joints play an important role in the construction of the wooden structure. It increases the stability of the structure and improves aesthetic values. In the construction of wooden joints following points should be kept in view:

1. The joints should be constructed in such a way that the connected wooden members are weakened to the minimum possible extent.
2. The joint should be as simple as possible. This reduces labor costs as well as the inconvenience of work.
3. The difficult joint should be avoided as far as possible. A very complicated joint is not only a challenge to construct but also has the potential to shrink considerably.
4. Each abutting surface of the wooden joint should be placed in such a way that, as far as possible, the surface is perpendicular to the line of action of the force acting at the joints.
5. The surface of a joint should be constructed and fitted in such a way that the distribution of pressure on the surfaces should be even.
6. The joint should be strengthened by fastening in such a way that the joint does not fail by crushing or shearing.
7. The strength of the jointed members and the joint should be equal.
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