9 Methods for Curing of Concrete – Know Before Concreting

The concrete is cured by any of the following methods, depending upon the type of construction work, Following are the 9 methods for curing of concrete.

1. Covering

In this method of concrete curing, the newly laid concrete surface is covered by wet gunny bags or hessian, which are wetted periodically. This curing method is suitable for horizontal as well as vertical and sloping surfaces.

Covering Method for Curing of Concrete
9 Methods Of Curing Of Concrete

2. Ponding

Ponding is one of the best methods for curing of concrete, mostly practised in India. In this curing method, the whole surface is divided into rectangular or square enclosures by constructing small clay or mud bunds and these enclosures are filled with water periodically forming small ponds.

This method is suitable for curing horizontal concrete surfaces such as the floor, pavements, etc.  Though this curing method is very good, the water requirement for this method is very large, and sometimes mud bunds may be washed out by water or water may be leaked through mud bunds. 

Ponding Method for Curing of Concrete

3. Immersing In Water

Pre-cast concrete members are often cured by immersing them underwater. This curing method is not acceptable everywhere due to the lack of water.

IMMERSING IN WATER Method for Curing Of Concrete

4. Steam Curing

In this curing method, steam under pressure is sprayed over the concrete surface. This curing method is typically adopted in the case of pre-cast members like concrete sleepers

Steam Curing Method for Curing of Concrete

5. Sprinkling

In this concrete curing method, the concrete surface is kept wet by sprinkling water frequently over the surface. In this case, the water requirement is very large, therefore, it is acceptable for that place where water is sufficiently available for this method.

SPRINKLING Method For Curing Of Concrete

6. Curing with Chemical

In this chemical curing method, water is sprinkled over the surface after adding a certain amount of hygroscopic salt such as NaCl, CaCl, etc. which absorbs moisture from the atmosphere.

CHEMICAL Method for Curing Of Concrete

7. Membrane Curing

In the membrane curing method, the concrete surface is kept covered by a waterproof membrane such as wax emulsion, bitumen emulsion, etc.

The bituminous compounds are black in colour. The heat absorbed by such substances is therefore much higher. They end up raising the concrete surface temperature which is inappropriate. For this reason, certain non-black modified compounds are used. These types of compounds are known as ”Clear Compounds”, which help to reduce heat absorption.

The membrane prevents the evaporation of water from the concrete surface. In order to obtain the best results, the membrane is applied after one or two days of actual water curing.

8. Electrical Curing

The electrical curing method is applicable for cold climate regions. This method is not preferable in ordinary climate regions.

In this method, concrete can be cured by passing an electric current( must be an alternative current) through the concrete. Prevention must be taken during curing by the electrical method.

As they have many disadvantages, this method is not much more acceptable for concrete curing.

9. Curing By Infrared Radiation

Infrared radiation is another method for curing of concrete, which is applicable in very cold climate regions. The infrared radiation method is mostly used in Russia. It is claimed that this method helps to get more rapid strength than steam curing.

Best Concrete Curing Methods For Different Types of Structures

Types of Structure Best Methods for Different Types of Concrete Structure
Horizontal members like floor, roof, etc.For horizontal members, ponding is the best-suited method, other methods like sprinkling, steam curing, chemical, and membrane Curing are also preferable.
vertical members like columns, walls, etc.For curing vertical members, covering and sprinkling are the best-suited methods.
Pre-cast membersFor pre-cast members, steam curing and immersing in water are the best methods.
Concrete structure in very cold weatherFor very cold regions, electrical curing and curing By infrared radiation method may be used.


How many methods are used for concrete curing?

There are different methods used for curing of concrete, Following 9 methods are used for concrete curing:

  1. Covering
  2. Ponding
  3. Immersing In Water
  4. Steam Curing
  5. Sprinkling
  6. Curing With Chemical
  7. Membrane Curing
  8. Electrical Curing
  9. Curing By Infrared Radiation

What is the best method of curing concrete?

When the best methods for curing are asked, it will always be covering, water spray, and ponding. However, these curing methods require more water than others. These methods are not applicable where water deficiency is the main headache.

What is the minimum curing period?

The minimum period for curing of concrete to gain maximum strength(approximately 90%) is 28 Days

What happens if curing is not done?

Curing ensures the hydration of cement. If the curing is not done, there will be a lack of water which will cause insufficient hydration and this can lead to cracks and poor strength development in the concrete.

Can curing be done without water?

Yes, curing can be done without water, where water deficiency is more some other methods are used for concrete curing, such as chemical curing, electrical curing, membrane curing, etc.

How much strength gain after 7-day curing period?

Concrete gains 55 to 65 % strength after 7 day curing period.

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10 Ways to Prevent Concrete Deterioration

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