Month: October 2019

Plastic Sewer – Wastewater Engineering

Plastic Sewer

The use of plastics for non-pressure sewer pipes is of comparatively recent origin and is still in the experimental stages. 

Plastic Sewer - Wastewater Engineering

However, some countries, such as the Netherlands, Scandinavia, France, etc., have already begun to use plastic pipes for sewers of 250 mm dia and above on a moderate to large scale (15% to 25% or so).

Their use is hardly 5-7 percent in Germany and the United Kingdom, and almost no plastic pipes are used in India for laying sewers, although, they are increasing the use of plastic pipes for internal water supply and drainage fittings.

In addition, plastic pipes of up to 1.50 mm dia have also begun to be used in house connections in India to carry sewage to the municipal sewers. 

Although, the use of plastic pipes for non-pressure sewers is not very promising, however, advanced plastic technology has increased the use of plastic sewers.

The test results on uPVC pipes have shown that:

  • These pipes continue deformed for about two years; the deformation rate decreases over time.
  • Its deformation is mainly influenced by the type and method of application of the backfill material.
  • Traffic loading has a little effect on the final deformations, but it reduces the time to achieve equilibrium conditions; and 
  • Due to excessive deformation, a PVC pipe failed to operate as part of an operational sewer system.

The most advanced development of a rib-reinforced solid wall uPVC pipe (ULTRA- RIB), which has been largely tested in the U.K. and Scandinavia, has shown very much satisfying results.

Read Also:

 Types of Sewer

Brick Sewer

Steps Of Laying Of Sewer Pipes

Brick Sewer – Wastewater Engineering

Brick Sewer

In ancient times mostly bricks were used as a sewer material, However, they have now almost been replaced by cement concrete sewers.

However, the brick sewer may still be used at places where the sewers are required to be constructed at the site, and if the ingredients needed for cement concrete sewers may not be easily available. They may also be preferred for constructing large-sized combined sewers, or particularly for stormwater drains. 

Brick sewers are generally plastered on their outer surfaces so as to prevent the entry of tree roots and groundwater through the brick joints; are lined inside with stoneware or ceramic block so as to render them smooth and hydraulically efficient. 

The stoneware or ceramic coating also helps in resisting sulfide corrosion which is not possible with ordinary cement plaster as the same is easily attacked by sewer gases like hydrogen sulfide.

Read Also:

 Plastic Sewer

 Types Of Sewer

Magnesite Flooring | Building Construction

Magnesite Flooring

Magnesite flooring consists of a dry mixture of magnesium oxide, asbestos, wood flour, or other inert material, and a pigment. At the site of work, to this dry mixture, liquid magnesium chloride is added to form a plastic mix. 

Read Also: Different Types of Flooring

Magnesite Flooring | Building Construction

For the construction of magnesite flooring, This plastic material can be laid on surfaces of concrete, stone, wood or steel plates, and then trowelled smooth before it hardens. 

The metal surface that comes into contact with this flooring material must contain a coating of bituminous paint.

This flooring material is quite cheap and can be laid over a rough surface about 12mm thick.

This floor is not very attractive and is less durable, and it offers less noise than clay tiles, marble, and terrazzo. This floor can be used in schools and office buildings.

Read Also:

 Rubber Flooring

Muram Flooring

Brick Flooring

 Granolithic Flooring

10 Factors Affecting Selection of Floors

10 Factors Affecting Selection of Floors

Before selecting flooring material for a particular building, the following factors should be carefully considered.

10 Factors Affecting Selection of Floors

1. Appearance

The selection of flooring material should be such that it gives a pleasing appearance to the floor users, and should produce color effects in conformity with the use of buildings.

Generally, tile, marble, terrazzo, and cement mortar floors provide a good appearance, but on the other hand, floorings with asphalt covering give an ugly appearance.

2. Durability

The flooring material should be durable and strong enough to impart resistance to wear, tear, and chemical action.

3. Hardness

The floor should be hard enough. Floors like cement concrete, terrazzo, and mosaic are sufficiently hard, whereas asphalt, cork, ribbon, plastic, etc. are not hard.

4. Noise

A good floor should not be produced any noise. Noise causes discomfort to the occupants. At places where silence is of paramount importance, only sound-absorbing materials should be preferred for the construction of floors, like dancing halls.

5. Comfort

The floor should give comfort to occupants under living and working conditions. Floors like Cork flooring, rubber flooring, linoleum flooring, etc. are preferred from a comfort point of view.

6. Fire Resistance

A good floor should offer sufficient resistance to fire so that it offers a barrier to spread fire at a different level in the building.

7. Dam proof

It should be damp-proof so that a healthy and dry environment prevails in the building.

8. Cleaning

The floors should be such that they can be easily and effectively cleaned. 

9. Slipperiness

The surface of the floor should be smooth but not too slippery. The slippery surface is dangerous for old people, children, and pregnant women. 

10. Maintenance

The flooring material should be such that minimal maintenance is required.

Read More:

 Flagstone Flooring

 Mud Flooring

 Granolithic Flooring

 Brick Flooring

Rubber Flooring | Building Construction

Rubber Flooring

Rubber flooring is made from a mixture of raw rubber, fillers such as fiber, cork, etc., and pigments at a very high temperature. In order to speed up the vulcanization process, a small percentage of sulfur is added. 

Rubber Flooring | Building Construction

Rubber flooring is available in sheet or tile form and in various colors such as linoleum. Its thickness is never more than 10 mm. It is cemented to concrete or wood in the same manner as linoleum.

It is very costly in its initial cost. The rubber flooring material is durable, elastic, good-looking, noiseless, comparatively warm, and soft. This floor, is, however, not resistant to oil grease and gasoline. This floor is mostly not used for ground floors.

Read Also:

 Brick Flooring

Flagstone Flooring

Muram Flooring

Precautions to be Taken While Entering Sewers

Precautions to be Taken While Entering Sewers

Various poisonous and explosive gasses are commonly found in sewers such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4) along with petrol vapors. These gases are produced largely when the sewage becomes stale and septic, which occurs more commonly in hotter climates.

Precautions to be Taken While Entering Sewers

In addition to the production of these harmful gases, oxygen is consumed by the organic matter for their decomposition, resulting in a lack of oxygen inside the sewer and can, therefore, cause difficulty in breathing.

Various methods are adopted for ventilating the sewers in order to avoid the large-scale presence of these poisonous and hazardous gases inside the sewers. In addition to the ventilation of sewers, the following precautions should also be taken while allowing the workers to enter the sewers

1. The very first precaution which should be taken before entering a sewer through a manhole is to open the covers of the manholes; at least half an hour in advance. This will help in obtaining some ventilation and exposure of the sewer to the atmospheric oxygen.

2. Tests should be conducted in order to identify the presence of any harmful gases inside the sewer. The following tests may be carried out to detect their presence.

  • The first test is performed to detect H2S gas present in the sewer.
  • The second test is performed to detect CO2 gas present in the sewer.
  • The third test is performed to detect CH4 gas present in the sewer.

3. If the above hazardous gases are absent, a lighted lantern may be lowered down the manhole, so as to test the presence of oxygen. If it burns brilliantly, the sewer can be safe to enter.

4. In any case,  the staff who go down into the sewer for inspection must be bound to their waists with ropes and held them fast by persons on the top so that they can be pulled up quickly in case of any risk. A responsible officer should be available to handle the operations perfectly.

5. It is strictly prohibited to smoke or bring open light inside the sewers.

6. Necessary indicators of alert should be set up.

Read Also:

 Methods of Ventilation in Tunnels

 Method of Ventilation of House Drains System

 Purposes of Ventilation in Buildings

Hot Working of Steel

Hot Working of Steel

For this purpose, the steel ingots are heated to the required temperature and the operation involved are the following:

  • a. Rolling
  • b. Forging
  • c. Pressing
  • d. Drawing

Of all the operations, rolling and drawing are the most important operations. Rolling is carried in specially prepared mils. The red hot ingots are passed through different rollers until articles of the desired shapes like I, L or angles are got.

In drawing, the metal is drawn through different dies and specially shaped tools. It is with this process that the reinforcement roads are prepared.