6 Difference Between Shallow And Deep Foundation
Following are the 6 difference between shallow foundation and deep foundation:
Shallow Foundation
1. Depth of the shallow foundation is equal to or less than its width.
2. In shallow foundation, the load is transferred to the soil at a relatively small depth.
3. These foundations are constructed in open excavation.
4. As the depth of foundation is less, visual inspection of construction work at any depth is possible.
5. Disturbance of soil is negligible.
6. Shallow foundations are adopted when soil near the surface is capable adequately to support the loads of the structure.
Deep Foundation
1. Depth of deep foundation is greater than its width.
2. In deep foundation, the load is transferred to the soil at a relatively greater depth.
3. These foundations are constructed by boring or drilling with the help of mechanical arrangements.
4. Visual inspection of construction at greater depth is not possible.
5. Disturbance of soil extends to a large zone all along the length of deep foundation.
6. Deep foundations are adopted when soil near the surface is weak and hence loads need to be transferred at greater depths to suitable soil or rock.
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