In a nutshell, cement is a binding material made of lime or clay, mixed with water to form mortar, or mixed with sand, gravel, and water to make concrete.
Cement is the substance that is used extensively in the work of construction to set or harden or adhere materials. The main function of cement is to bind the material together and that is why cement is essentially known as a binding agent.
There are very rare occurrences of cement being used on its own, cement is always used with aggregates, the likes of sand and gravel along with water. Through many surveys, cement came up as the most commonly and extensively used material in this world and it also takes only the second place when it comes to consuming resources, losing the first place to water.
Cement mixed with sand, gravel, and water produces concrete, which is a common material for all most all types of construction work. Cement also produces mortar for masonry works by getting mixed with finer aggregates.
Nearly 4 billion tons of cement are produced every year, globally. If the cement industry is considered as an independent country, it would be the third largest emitter of carbon dioxide, with nearly 2.8 billion tons every year. The initial process of cement production is responsible for nearly 4% of global CO2 emissions.
The history of cementing material is as old as the history of engineering construction. Some kinds of cementing materials were used by Egyptians, Romans, and Indians in their ancient constructions.
Chemically speaking the cement we see today, (a product of lime that works as a primary bonding agent) is far away from the material used in past for cementation. The Assyrians and the Babylonians were found to use bitumen to bind their alabaster or burnt bricks.
Ancient Egyptians on the other hand used mortar, made of half burnt gypsum and sand to cement their blocks of stone. Most of these mortars more than often had calcium carbonate present in them.
In ancient Greece, especially in Crete, lime was used. There is also evidence that supports the use of crushed potsherds as artificial pozzolan, in the place of hydraulic cement.
These pozzolans were found as different tuff in Roman and Greek civilizations. Whereas the Greeks, generally used volcanic tuff that they got from their island of Thera. Meanwhile, the Romans used volcanic ash with lime.
From the middle age, there are no such knowledge found as a literature form, but the military engineer and medieval masons used a mixture of aggregates and lime mortar as a cementing agent to build structures like fortresses, harbors, mansions, and even canals.
Then, in the 16th century, Spaniards introduced Tabby to the Americans. Tabby was a building material where the binding agent was the lime found in the shells of oysters and the whole oyster shell was a part of the concrete.
Then in the 18th and 19th centuries with the advancement of chemical engineering, cement went through many experiments and experiences to finally create the great binding agent, that we see today.
There are various types of cement available in the market today, but the most common type of cement is Portland cement which is used all over the world. We have already discussed ‘types of cement’ in another article, you can read it here – Types of Cement.
Hello reader, hope you are well! Before jumping into the main topic – ” types of buildings“, let’s see some important points regarding buildings.
Buildings are one of the fundamental needs of humans. We seek shelter and spend our lives in such buildings. The mention of the word building encourages the vision of a place with rooms, walls, etc. In a more general sense, the definition of a building is a structural construction that is made up of combining different structural elements and using various types of materials, such as – mud, brick, stone, wood, etc.
Any structure that is built with materials and has walls, plinth, roofs, floors, plumbing, foundation, platforms that are fixed, projection or a cornice, balcony, building services or anything that is affixed, or any wall that encloses or at least intend to enclose a specific space or specific land and have display structures of outdoor, we can call a building. For example, houses, shopping malls, schools, etc can be mentioned.
The primary purpose of a building is to provide security and shelter. Buildings serve the role of providing primary security from weather, and security threats along with the roles of helping to store, providing privacy and comfort to live life and work well.
There are various parts of a building, that are essential for its construction. The two basic components of any building are the foundation and superstructure.
Foundation is probably the most important part and critical work of any building construction. The load of the building depends completely on the foundation. Foundation is a kind of substructure that can be both Deep and shallow. The superstructure on the other hand is constructed on the foundation.
Types of Buildings
Based on their uses and as per civil engineering, buildings are classified into nine categories. But, we have taken an extra type as “Other Buildings” to discuss some more buildings. Following are the 10 types of buildings: Namely,
Residential Buildings,
Educational Buildings,
Institutional Buildings,
Assembly Buildings,
Commercial Buildings,
Mercantile Buildings,
Industrial Buildings,
Storage Buildings,
Hazardous Building and
Other buildings (wholesale establishments, mixed land use buildings, detached and semi-detached buildings, high-rise buildings, special buildings, unsafe buildings, slums, and multi-level car-parking)
1. Residential Buildings
Among the various types of buildings, residential buildings are an important building type. Any building that provides accommodation for sleep generally for normal residential purposes, and also may or may not come with the facilities of cooking and dining can be called a residential building. Read Also: Standard Room Sizes.
The various categories in which the residential buildings are classified are apartment houses or flats, private dwelling areas, dormitories hotels along with lodging and rooming houses.
There are various benefits of a residential building such as – residential buildings are generally much less costly than commercial, these are also much easier to buy because of the less paperwork that is required, and it is much easier to find tenants than to find renters for a commercial place, there are very few complications in the residential building because of the small skill of their operation.
In residential buildings, the rent period also happens to be much short than that of commercial buildings also the location does not matter in the case of residential buildings as it is only for residing. The ROI for residential buildings though is much lower than the commercial buildings.
Note: At present, the world’s tallest residential building is Central Park Tower which is located in New York City, and the height of the building is 472 m. Read also: Top 10 Tallest Buildings in New York City.
2. Educational buildings
Educational building signifies the building designs that are made to accommodate primary, secondary, intermediate, and higher education systems. These buildings often include the library, lab, hall room, and various types of living areas for the students, like – hostels and dormitories.
Of different types of buildings, the educational building is one of the most important buildings that are used for the development of the next generation. Educational buildings house schools, colleges, and other kinds of educational institutions mostly recognized by and affiliated with boards, universities, or other appropriate authorities.
Educational buildings promote the process of learning and the process of passing down of knowledge from one generation to another, these buildings are the aggregates of society. It is essential for educational buildings to have proper residential capacities for the employees or other people who need to reside within the building. It is also advised for any educational institution to have its hostel either inside or outside of the building itself.
The first educational buildings were supposed to be seen in the social classes and schools for priests in ancient Babylon Egypt, and Assyria. Institutions were evidently part of the temples. The development that education had in medieval Europe turned out to also be the rise of specialized buildings for educational institutions such as colleges. Around this time, the various differentiations in the rooms of a specialized educational institution were started.
The process of development in the sector of various types of school buildings began before the early 20th century and proceeded slowly. There were two basic plans of composition that were used in that time as well as throughout the 20th century – either a single building indicated with a complex floor plan that consisted of blocks or a composition that consists of several individual buildings (pavilion composition). From then to today, throughout the process of evolution and various changes in design, nowadays building plans are born.
Note: World’s Tallest educational building is Lomonosov Moscow State University, which is located in Moscow, Russia. This building stands at a height of 240 m.
3. Institutional Buildings
Institutional buildings signify those buildings or structures that place any major role that relates to health care, public works, or education. Every institutional building is unique and when it comes to approach and institutional building from any designation, be it design or floor plan there is no single approach that fits all.
In a nutshell, institutional buildings are the buildings that matter most in the community and communal development. Institutional buildings refer to the various parts and enterprises of society that helps build the future. Be it a school or a hospital the institutional structures have to be the most prominent and perfect because our future depends on them.
Nowadays, the emergence of biophilic structures is a much-talked subject that needs to be incorporated into institutional buildings. Through the biophilic structures in these buildings, we can revert our proximity to green and that is probably the most needed thing in today’s world. The Covid situation pointed right at the destruction of pollution and through the incorporation of biophilic structures in institutional buildings, we can step forward towards getting a grip on it.
4. Assembly Buildings
Assembly building signifies any specific part of a building or a whole building where at least 50 or more congregate for amusement, recreation, civil, patriotic, travel-related, social, religious, or other purposes or even gather around for prayers of any kind.
Assembly buildings are generally based on the more open and simpler plan of floors, in most of the buildings, their master is one place that can be used as a podium or stage for performances or addressing the people. The rest of the floor generally has open spaces or sitting arrangements for the public or the viewers.
Assembly building includes museums, auditoriums, convention centers, exhibition halls, assembly halls, theatres, large gymnasiums, motion picture houses, dance halls, places of worship, skating rinks, passenger stations, club rooms stadiums, terminals of air, marinas, etc.
The history of assembly buildings can be traced to the very beginning of society. As long as there were groups of people, there has been a place for meeting problems and celebrations. Then with the emergence of religion and culture, came the buildings that hold the program and the deities. Places of worship have been an important part of society through their emergence. Through various different procedures and changes, the buildings of assembly evolved and they also changed with time.
5. Commercial Buildings
It is another common building type for the present era. Trade is one of the most important things in today’s world. Without commerce, international relations and people’s livelihoods will be at stake. And commercial buildings are the most important pillars when it comes to business both for those who rent them and the people who own them. One single commercial building can contain various types of businesses that include restaurants, manufacturers, various offices, and even retailers.
So, the first step of opening a business is to understand the management of commercial properties and the values involved. The same goes for the owners of the building as they need to understand the full use of the business is provided to a roof too, also because renting the buildings in itself is a form of business.
Any building that provides a place for commercial activities is called a commercial building, it can include warehouses, retail spaces, outlets, office buildings, etc.
The most common type of commercial building is the office building, which can be found in every city and even town not only respective of their size but also in respect of the needs of that community. Another common example of commercial buildings is restaurants. Restaurants can be found in every nook and cranny of any city.
Another type of commercial building is retail space that many people jump to when talking about commercial spaces. Retail buildings are mostly used for everyday shopping and other uses. Another commercial building is hotels, though hotels seem to qualify as residential buildings, most of the hotels are commercial buildings because of their earning stature.
Warehouses on the other hand are purely commercial buildings and it is probably one of the most common buildings that can be found in large cities as well as rural areas. Generally used as hubs for storage, warehouses are also used by logistics and shipping companies.
Healthcare is one of the commercial building tests might not seem like it but most hospitals and clinics are such enterprises that cool on earning money by serving customers. The industrial building however is included in a broad range of buildings. But industrial buildings can also be called commercial buildings in most cases because again of the earning statures. Read Also: Principle of Building Planning.
6. Mercantile Buildings
A Mercantile building signifies any part of the building or even the whole building that is being used as a store or a market or a shop. It can be used for various processes like – selling or displaying merchandise. Service and storage facilities along with offices that align in their incidence to the sale of merchandise, if located in the same building; can also be included in the group of mercantile buildings. 75+ Best Furniture Stores 2023.
A Mercantile tag can be designated in any part of a building, as to be considered mercantile, the establishment doesn’t always need to acquire the whole building. A part of a building can also be classified as a mercantile structure based on the mentioned criteria.
7. Industrial Buildings
Industrial building refers to the construction and design of buildings that serve various industries. These buildings’ rise of importance started during the industrial revolution era and is continued to date. The various types of industrial buildings are factories, foundries, forges, gristmills, mines, breweries, distilleries, drilling rigs, sawmills, refineries, etc.
Any building where the raw materials are processed and fabricated can be called an industrial building. These buildings are probably one of the most important structures for the sustenance of humankind. The basis of civilized growth of society is the foundation of the manufacturing and assembling of various products necessary for livelihood.
Industrial buildings are the place where raw materials are turned into products. Be it a construction site or a manufacturing unit or a refinery, the manufactured product keeps on the process of sustenance of somebody or other and in a whole of the whole world. Read Also: Top 15 Construction Companies in the U.S.
8. Storage Buildings
Storage building signifies the whole building or even a part of a building that is being used for storing goods or commodities or merchandise. The categorization of a storage building comprises the fact that; that very building or that part of a building is specifically being used for storage. Namely cold storages, grain storage units, stables, barns, warehouses, freight depots, hangars, transit shades, public garages, and even truck terminals can be examples of storage buildings.
Storage buildings can also be used for the proper handling of highly combustible materials. Based on the different types of things that are being stored in a particular building, the structural and floor planning of the storage building differs vastly.
Most of the storage buildings have proper security measures against other natural matters that can take a toll on the stored products. Many of the storage buildings are also used as a reserve in units where food items and others are kept in a protected manner to save them for the future.
9. Hazardous Buildings
The building that is used for touring hazardous materials i.e., chemicals and other materials that can be fairly dangerous to humans and have fast polluting power are called hazardous buildings. Hazardous buildings are generally used for the storage and processing of combustible materials. Also, for the careful handling and manufacture of various materials of explosive nature and the same kind of products that can burn with extreme rapidity. The same goes for the poisonous elements.
Also, the manufacturing and processing of toxic and noxious alkalis, highly corrosive object, acids, and the same type of chemical liquids that also produce flames or corrosive gases are handled in this kind of facility. Besides being used for processing of these materials that produce an explosive mixture of dust which in turn, transfers matters into finer particles if they are subjected to spontaneous ignition, these facilities are also used in the process of destroying them.
The mentioned works can be divided into two sub-categories. The first one is where the manufacturing processes are done for the radioactive and combustible explosives that have the potential of producing poisonous emissions and fumes. The second one is where the manufacture and handling processes are done of the toxic alkalis, acids, corrosives, and other chemical materials. Read Also: Orientation of Building.
10. Other Buildings
Besides the mentioned 9 types of buildings, there are various classifications of buildings in existence that are being used every day for various purposes. From wholesale establishments to car parking and even slums, these categories are mentioned below.
► Wholesale Establishments
The buildings that are enlisted under this category are the establishments that are being either fully or partially used for trades in a wholesale manner. It is mostly used for selling products to retailers. They can be also utilized for wholesale production and storage. These facilities or warehouses provide transportation via truck and even booking services.
► Mixed Land Use Buildings
The buildings, that are signified in this category are the ones that are being used for residential purposes and any non-residential activities together and simultaneously. This can be a commercial building that is being used for the residence of some people along with the shops.
This can also be an educational building that is being used for the residence of students and faculty along with being used for its main purpose the school or college, and it can even be any construction or commercial building that is being used for the residence of the workers and the main purpose. Mixed land use buildings are probably seen in every kind and type of building.
► Detached and Semi-Detached buildings
The buildings which have no adjoining roofs or even walls from any other building on three sides, which means the buildings that are completely detached from the other buildings or constructions beside them, can be called detached buildings.
Detached buildings also need to have open spaces within their boundary to be termed so. On the other hand, semi-detached buildings signify the buildings which have open spaces that are defined as an integral part of that very site and left open to the sky, on all those sides, besides being detached from any other building on three sides.
► High Rise Buildings
Any buildings that have a height of more than 23 m are categorized as high rises buildings. Another criterion is that the building has to comprise more than or equal to 7 stories. Read Also: Top 10 Tallest Buildings in the World.
► Special Buildings
The special building category is an all-encompassing criterion. Special buildings are all and every building comes with an air conditioning system that is placed centrally and has a built-up area of more than 600 square meters or even more, and also is more than 15 meters in height. Any building that fits these criteria is called a special building.
Buildings like assembly or industrial buildings, wholesale establishments or hazardous buildings, hostels, or hotels will come under these criteria and will be considered special buildings.
► Unsafe Buildings
A building can be considered unsafe for a plethora of reasons. Firstly, the building may not have proper sanitation, the building can be contaminated or even can be structurally weak and thus deemed unsafe. Many buildings or facilities also don’t have the proper points from where one should get in or out, Many buildings do not follow proper firefighting regulations, and they are prone to various hazards related to fire. ff
These types of buildings, which are currently in use and also poses threat to the safety and life of humans and deem the welfare of the public in that area unsafe, are to be properly restored or demolished, under the guidelines of the government. The necessary measures are to be undertaken as per the instruction of the authority concerned.
► Slums
This classification of building signifies the establishments that generally have a below-quality condition of habitability and degenerated level of maintenance. The problem in these situations can be caused because of the inadequate presence of ventilation, lack of sanitation, or other factors that are detrimental. Slums are generally tagged to the legislation being concerned accordingly under any competent authority.
► Multilevel Car Parking
This is the type of building which are either partially or completely under the ground. Generally, these buildings have two or more levels in the basement along with one or two levels above ground. This building’s sole purpose is to park cars, scooters, bikes, or any other light vehicle that is motorized.
Generally, these buildings are seen in areas that are heavily populated or adjacent to commercial buildings, or in the vicinity of marketplaces, basically any place that gets crowded on an everyday basis and also has very limited space.
► Agricultural Buildings
Agricultural buildings are nothing but a building or structure made for agricultural production. It may be head shads to protect crops from weathering effects, or it may be a temperature-controlled closed building for odd seasonal crop cultivation. Read Also: Benefits of Steel Agricultural Buildings.
Do you want to know the top 20 largest US cities by population? Then you are in the right place. Let’s look at the overview first. The United States is the home of over 300 million people. This population is divided into many large incorporated places. In the United States, an incorporated place consists of cities, towns, villages, and municipalities.
The last count of 2015 reported that there are now more than 300 incorporated places in the United States that have a population of more than one hundred thousand. This number seems to increase significantly from the previous count of 2012, where the number of incorporated places was mentioned to be 285.
The United States census bureau provides the data that supports the fact that there is a total of ten cities in the whole United States where the population surpasses the milestone of the million. The largest city amongst these is New York City which is the home of more than 9 million residents, closely followed by Los Angeles and Chicago each with nearly 3 million residents.
Amongst the southern United States cities, Houston claims the top position with a population of nearly 2.3 million people and Phoenix closely follows at 1.6 million.
Top 10 Largest US cities by Population
By population, the top 10 largest US cities are:
New York City
Los Angeles
San Antonio
San Diego
San Jose
1. New York City
New York City is the most populated city in the United States. It is located in New York County. Currently, New York City has a population of 8,930,002. Being the most populated city, it holds the number one position in the list of largest US cities by Population.
This city’s current annual growth rate of population is 0.71%. Since the last census to the most recent census, the population of the city has increased by 1.43%. New York City houses a demography of mixed races. The expected population of New York City by 2040 is 9 million. Amongst the five boroughs of this city, the Bronx is projected to take the highest growth rate around 14% while Manhattan is expected to take the slowest pace with 6.7%.
2. Los Angeles
Los Angeles is the largest city in the county of California. It is also the second largest city in the United States and currently houses a population of 3,919,973 people. Since the most recent census, the population of Los Angeles has been growing at an annual rate of 0.27%.
The area of Los Angeles is nearly 470 mi2, based on this, the population density is calculated to be 8,359 people in every square mile. The population demography of Los Angeles seems to be predominated by Whites with 48.9% while African-Americans acquire second place with 22.7%.
3. Chicago
Chicago is located in the cook county of Illinois. It is the third most populated city in the United States. Chicago currently houses a population of 27,565,46 people. Since the most recent census, the population of Chicago has been growing at an annual rate of 0.18%.
Chicago is placed over nearly 230 mi2 and has a population density of 12,124 people in every square mile. The demographic ratio of races in Chicago consists of 47.7% of Whites, 29.2% of African-Americans, 10.5% of other races, 6.8% of Asians and 5.3% of 2 or more races.
4. Houston
Houston is the largest city in Texas and it is also the fourth largest city in the whole United States according to its population. Houston is located in the Harris County of Texas. This city currently houses a population of 23,04,580 people. This city’s current annual growth rate of population is 0.88%. From the last census to the most recent census, the population of the city has increased by 1.78%.
Houston has an area of 641 mi2 which makes the calculation that brings the population density to 3,664 people per square mile. The demographic ratio of Houston comprises a racial composition that is, 51.54% of Whites, 22.83% of African-American races, 11.35% of other races, 7.02% of 2 or more races, 6.87% of Asians, 0.35% of native Americans and 0.05% of native Hawaiian people.
5. Phoenix
Phoenix is the largest city in Arizona and the fifth largest city in the United States. Phoenix is located in the Maricopa County of Arizona. This city currently houses a population of 1640641 people. The most recent census shows that the annual growth rate of the population was 2.02%. Meanwhile, the current annual growth rate of San Antonio’s population is 1.00%.
Phoenix covers an area of 519 mi2 which makes the calculation that brings the population density to 3,169 people per square mile. The demographic ratio of Phoenix comprises a racial composition that is, 68.23% of Whites, 7.10% of African American races, 10.31% of other races, 8.27% of 2 or more races, 3.86% of Asians, 2.03% of native Americans and 0.19% of native Hawaiian people.
6. Philadelphia
Philadelphia is the sixth most populated city in the United States. It is located in Delaware and Philadelphia County of Pennsylvania. Currently, Philadelphia has a population of 1,619,355. This city’s current annual growth rate of population is 0.48%. Since the most recent census, the current population growth rate is 0.97%. New York City houses are demography of mixed races.
The expected population of Philadelphia by 2050 is 2.1 million. The demographic ratio of Philadelphia comprises a racial composition that is, 39.33% of Whites, 41.36% of African American races, 7.27% of other races, 4.26% of 2 or more races, 7.42% of Asians, 0.33% of native Americans and 0.04% of native Hawaiian people.
7. San Antonio
San Antonio is located in the Bexar and Comal County of Texas. Besides being the seventh most populated city in the United States, it is also the second largest city in Texas county. San Antonio currently houses a population of 1456069 people.
The most recent census shows that the annual growth rate of the population was 1.49%. The current annual growth rate of San Antonio’s population is 0.74%. San Antonio is placed over nearly 486 mi2 and has a population density of 3002 people in every square mile. The demographic ratio of races in San Antonio consists of 71.90% of Whites, 6.78% of African Americans, 7.43% of other races, 2.98% of Asians and 10.13% of 2 or more races.
8. San Diego
San Diego is the second largest populated city in California and it is also the eighth largest populated city in the whole United States. San Diego is located in the San Diego County of California. This city currently houses a population of 1,402,838 people. The current annual growth rate of the population in San Diego is 0.57%. Meanwhile, the total growth rate was 1.15% annually from the last census to the most recent census.
San Diego covers an area of 326 mi2 which makes the calculation that brings the population density of 4,305 people per square mile. The demographic ratio of San Diego comprises a racial composition that is, 61.95% of Whites, 6.09% of African American races, 5.99% of other races, 7.77% of 2 or more races, 17.25% of Asians, 0.52% of native Americans and 0.42% of native Hawaiian people.
9. Dallas
Dallas is the third largest city in Texas and it is also the ninth largest city in the United States. Dallas is located in the Dallas County of Texas. This city currently houses a population of 1,304,379 people. Dallas’s population currently growing at a rate of 0.81%.
Dallas is spread over an area of 340 mi2 which makes the calculation that brings the population density of 3,902 people per square mile. The demographic ratio of Dallas comprises a racial composition that is, 57.75% of Whites, 24.30% of African-American races, 7.60% of other races, 6.37% of 2 or more races, 3.61% of Asians, 0.33% of native Americans and 0.04% of native Hawaiian people.
10. San Jose
San Jose is the third largest city in California and also is the tenth largest city in the whole of the United States. San Jose is located in the Santa Clara County of California. This city currently houses a population of 1,026,700 people. Currently, the annual growth rate of the population in San Jose city is 0.66%.
San Jose is spread across an area of 178 mi2 which makes the calculation that brings the population density of 5774 people per square mile. The demographic ratio of San Jose comprises a racial composition that is, 37.49% of Whites, 2.94% of African-American races, 13.43% of other races, 7.85% of 2 or more races, 37.19% of Asians, 0.59% of native Americans and 0.51% of native Hawaiian people.
A window is an opening space generally built over the wall in a building to allow daylight, and free air circulation into the rooms and to give an outside view as well as the passing of sounds. Windows play a vital role in the ventilation of a room.
The most common materials used to build windows are timber, steel, and aluminium. But, steel may be damaged by chemical reactions with time, while timber may be attacked by termites, but aluminium window frames are mostly durable and does not have any defects and are widely used these days, but the price is compared to the other materials is little high. Windows also enhance the beauty of the building.
To select a suitable window for a building, some important factors have to be checked and followed, such as:
⇒ Location of the room. ⇒ Size of the room. ⇒ Wind direction to the room. ⇒ The climate of that area. ⇒ Utility of the room where the window has to be fixed. ⇒ Architectural point of view. ⇒ And also, types of building.
By following the above-mentioned criteria, a window is selected in a room while constructing the building. Windows can be classified based on their positions, materials, and configuration. Following are the 16 types of windows that are commonly used in buildings.
1. Fixed Windows 2. Sliding Windows 3. Casement/Ordinary Windows 4. Glazed/ Sash Windows 5. Pivoted Windows 6. Metal Windows 7. Corner Windows 8. Bay Windows 9. Louvered Windows 10. Double Hung Windows 11. Dormer Windows 12. Clerestory Windows 13. Gable Windows 14. Lanterns or lantern lights 15. Skylights 16. Ventilators
Let’s know more about these 16 types of windows:
1. Fixed Windows
As the name suggests, these types of windows are basically fixed to the wall which cannot be opened or closed but, the lights can be transmitted easily into the room through fully glazed shutters that are fixed to the window frame. The shutters provided are generally weatherproof.
These windows are also named as pictured windows, as they are sometimes provided only for viewing outside views of nature. The price of such type of window is somewhat less as compared to the other types of windows.
Generally, the average cost for a fixed window is about $250. If you want to add a wooden frame instead of a steel frame then its price will be a little more.
Sliding windows are generally used in shops, bank counters, office cabins, corridors, etc. In this type, the shutters used in the frame of the windows are movable. The shutters can move both horizontally or vertically inside the frame. This movement is totally based on the provision of roller bearings used in the shutters.
The main disadvantage of this type of window is that it cannot be opened fully i.e. one side of the window is always closed. Sliding windows can be double-track sliding or triple-track sliding. The advantage of this type of window is that it can move within its internal space provided i.e. no extra space is required to function fully.
The cost of a sliding window can vary from $300 to $1,300. Its cost depends on the size of the windows, the number of panels, glass quality, etc.
3. Casement Windows
Casement windows are widely used these days. This type of window allows more ventilation area than other types. Though this type of window is generally prohibited near walkways and traffic areas. The shutters of the casement windows open like doors. Adequate spaces have been provided to the frame to receive the shutters. The construction of this type of window is similar to the construction of a door alike. The panels of the window shutters can be single or multiple.
These Casement windows are very easy to operate and are specifically designed for resisting rain and wind to get inside the room from outside, and for that reason, the direction of the windows cannot be reversed.
Casement Windows installation is somewhat more costly than fixed and sliding windows. Normally the average price for a casement window is about $500. But it may be $1,500 or more depending on their size and the types of materials you want to use.
4. Glazed/ Sash Windows
The glazed/ Sash window is similar to the casement window. But, as the name suggests, the panels of the window shutters are fully glazed. It is made of top, bottom, and intermediate rails. The space between the rails is divided into small panels known as sash bars or glazing bars.
5. Pivoted Windows
Pivoted windows are again identical to casement windows except no rebates are required for the frame and the movement of the shutters are slightly different. The pivots which help to oscillate the shutter can either be made horizontally or vertically and is easy for cleaning purpose. Also, it allows more light than the side hung windows.
6. Metal Windows
Windows made of mild steel and aluminum which can be directly fixed to the wall or with a wooden frame, and it is very cost-effective and strong and widely used these days in building construction. Windows made of bronze being very costly is restricted to only important works.
Metal windows are fixed into the rooms only after the masonry work is done and the lintels are provided above the opening of the windows. Mild Steel windows can be manufactured in different sizes, shapes & types, and are widely used in the building construction industry these days. Metal shutters are used for normal casement/ordinary windows to give strong support to the panels.
7. Corner Windows
Corner windows in a room consist of two faces in perpendicular directions at the corners of a room. This type of window can allow light, and air ventilation from two different sides. While constructing this type of window, a special lintel is provided in the wall to give support to the masonry work above the opening of the window. Corner windows give aesthetic looks to the room.
8. Bay Windows
Usually, bay windows are projected to an exterior wall and it generally starts from the floor level or sill level. These types of windows allow more ventilation of air as well as lights. Bay windows can be of different shapes, i.e. either triangular or rectangular or polygonal shape. If you provide only a few numbers of bay windows it may improve the view of your house.
9. Louvered Windows
These types of windows provide ventilation without any outside vision i.e. sufficient privacy is guaranteed even when the window is open.
The shutters of the windows are fixed with louvers and are made of a top rail and bottom rail. The inclination of louvers is about 45°(recommended). The slope of louvers can be maintained by tilting the cord and lifting the cord. Generally, the louvers are made of wood, glass or metal and are specially used for bathrooms, toilets, and private places.
10. Double Hung Windows
This type of window is made of a pair of shutters that are attached to one frame. In this type of window, One shutter is at the top and the other shutter is at the bottom. A double-hung window can open from top or bottom and it slides vertically within the frame. Each shutter is connected with metal weights by means of cords or chains. By this method, window ventilation can be better controlled.
11. Dormer Windows
Dormer windows are constructed on the sloping surface of the roofs. The main features of these types of windows are to allow adequate light and air circulation to the room. Dormer windows are constructed within the roof slopes. It also enhances the beauty of the room.
12. Clerestory Windows
These types of windows are generally used in a room where the ceiling height is different, which means that a particular room has a greater ceiling height than the other rooms and this window is fixed near the top of the main roof. Generally, this type of window is provided where the front side of the room is blocked from light and air circulation.
This type of window can be operated by the use of pulling cords, one attached to the top rail and the other attached to the bottom rail of the shutter. The upper part of the window should be open inside and the bottom part of the window should be open outside so that rainwater cannot enter the room, and this should be fixed with utmost care and proficiency.
13. Gable Windows
This particular type of window is usually fitted at the gable end of the sloping roof of the building for which they are known as gable windows. This type of window enhances the view of the building and has been used since old times.
14. Lantern Windows
Lantern windows are fitted to the flat roof of the building just to provide more light or air circulation to the room if the room is blocked from all sides and unable to provide windows in the wall of the room to transfer adequate light and air circulation. But, if the window has to be fixed for air ventilation purposes, then there must be pivoted shutters provided with a provision of cord or pulleys to open or close that window accordingly. The shutters of the window should be fixed with glass panels.
15. Skylights
Skylight windows are generally waterproof and are fixed with glass panels on the sloping surface of a pitched roof in a parallel way. The main purpose of skylight windows in a building is to allow more light inside the room. It can be opened when required.
16. Ventilators
Ventilators are mostly fixed near the ceiling of the room and are of very small size compared to the size of the window. It is fixed for the purpose of ventilation in the room and opens upwards and out. Pivoted shutters are provided horizontally in the case of ventilators. While in some cases wired mesh is used in lieu of shutters for which sunshade is provided to prevent rainwater.
17. Arched Windows
The arch window is nothing but a window which are classified based on its shape. These are designed in such a way that it gives the house a beautiful appearance. Its upper part is round-shaped, and it is generally made of glass or a combination of steel and glass. These types of windows cannot be opened or closed. This type of window is only installed to allow light to enter the room.
The word ‘refurbishment’ is used to indicate the improvement of something, especially buildings. If you are giving a new look to a room or building by cleaning, painting, decorating it, and providing new equipment there, then you are doing the refurbishment of the room or building.
Definition: The process of cleaning, painting, decorating, and re-equipping a room or building to make it more beautiful and attractive, is called ‘refurbishment‘. Read Also: Standard Room Sizes.
Why is it called ‘refurbishment’?
The word ‘refurbishment’ is derived from the Latin word – ‘furbish’ by adding the prefix ‘re’. While the prefix ‘re’ means ‘again’, ‘furbish’ suggests ‘to polish’. So, the meaning of ‘refurbishment’ is ‘to polish again’.
What are the synonyms of ‘refurbishment’?
The most popular synonyms of ‘refurbishment’ are – renovation, upgrading, revampment, remodeling, redecoration, etc.
Use of ‘refurbishment’ in a sentence
➣ Actually, she wished to have a refurbishment of her library.
➣ They are temporarily living in my house, as their home is undergoing refurbishment.
➣ The refurbishment of William’s condo will be done by November.
➣ I can’t hold a party in my flat due to the ongoing refurbishment of it.
What Does it Mean byrefurbishing a property?
The refurbishing of the property suggests a new and more attractive look of the property than before.
For example, suppose, you have a house of your own i.e it’s your property. Now, you are wanting to change the look of your property. So, you have replaced the old doors and windows, thetiles of the floor, and the colors of the walls with the new ones and have decorated the house with new equipment and with new furniture. Thus, your property (house) has become more graceful and elegant than before. So, it means you have done the refurbishing of your property.
What is the process of refurbishing?
The refurbishing of a house is done through the following processes – cleaning, painting, decorating, and re-equipping, etc.
Why do we refurbish buildings?
We do the refurbishing of buildings to upgrade the look of the buildings and make the new requirements available there by adding new equipment.
Simply, ‘Dwelling’ is the place where you live. It can be your house, apartment, flat, condo, etc. Suppose, if you are living in an apartment, then that apartment is your dwelling. On the other hand, if you live in a condo, then your dwelling will be that condo.
What are the examples of dwelling?
A dwelling is nothing but a place where people live. So, there can be so many examples of a dwelling. Here are some examples of dwellings – houses, apartments, condos, flats, etc.
What are the synonyms of dwelling?
Residence, abode, habitation, and domicile are the most popular synonyms of the word ‘dwelling’.
The places like – garages, a shed, lawns, gardens, and other rooms or buildings which are used for storage and have no living facilities are not considered a dwelling.
Do you know what’s the highest railway bridgein the world? And where is the world’s highest rail bridge situated? If you don’t know, then let’s take a look at the world’s highest railway bridge in detail.
The highest railway bridge in the world is the Chenab rail bridge. It is situated in the country of India. The bridge was constructed over the river named Chenab. The bridge stands at a height of 359 m or 1,178 feet above the river bed. It is 322 m or 1,056 feet high above the surface of the Chenab River. This bridge connects the two villages – Bakkal and Kauri in the Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir, India.
The construction of the main arch of the Chenab rail bridge was started after the completion of its base supports in November 2017. In August 2022, the construction work was fully completed and the inauguration of the bridge took place on 13 August 2022. And in December 2022, the world’s tallest rail bridge is expected to be opened.
The bridge is made of steel and concrete and designed in the style of an arch bridge. Konkan Railway and Afcons Infrastructure & DRDO are responsible for the design of the bridge and its construction work was done by Afcons Infrastructure. The bridge consists of 17 spans including its longest span of 467 m or 1,532 feet. The Northern Railways of India handles the maintenance of the bridge.
Including the 650 m (2,130 feet) long viaduct on the northern side, the bridge has a total length of 1,315 m or 4,314 feet. The bridge was constructed with an estimated cost of 28,000 crore INR. Chenab rail bridge is 29 meters higher than the Eiffel Tower (330 m high up to the tip) of Paris.
1. Is Chenab Bridge the world’s highest Rail Bridge?
Yes, the Chenab Bridge is the highest rail bridge in the world with a height of 359 m or 1,178 ft above the river bed.
2. Is the Chenab bridge completed?
The construction work of the Chenab Bridge was completed in August 2022, and in December 2022, the world’s tallest rail bridge is expected to be opened.
3. Where is the world’s highest railway bridge?
The world’s highest railway bridge, the Chenab Rail Bridge is situated in the Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir, India.
4. What is special about Chenab Bridge?
The Chenab Bridge is special because it is the highest railway bridge in the world.
5. In which river is the Chenab rail bridge?
The Chenab Rail Bridge is located on the Chenab River in India.
6. Chenab Rail bridge connects which two places?
The Chenab bridge connects the two villages – Bakkal and Kauri in the Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir, India.
7. What is the cost of the Chenab Rail Bridge?
The estimated cost of the Chenab bridge is 28,000 crore INR.
8. What is the Chenab bridge’s length?
The total length of the Chenab bridge is 1,315 m or 4,314 feet.
9. What is the Chenab Rail Bridge’s height?
Chenab Rail Bridge’s height is 359 m or 1,178 feet from the river bed, and 322 m or 1,056 feet from the surface of the river.
Meaning of cond: ‘Condo’ is the short form of the word ‘Condominium’ that means a large building complex divided into several units and separately owned by individuals. Though the separate units of such buildings are owned by individuals, the common areas surrounding the buildings are jointly owned.
Why is it called a condo?
Let’s know about the origin of ‘condo’.
The word ‘Condominium’ is derived from the Latin word ‘dominium’ by adding the prefix ‘con’. While ‘dominium’ means ‘dominion or ownership’, ‘con’ suggests ‘together’. So, the meaning of ‘condominium’ or ‘condo’ is ‘joint dominion’ or ‘co-ownership’.
When was the word ‘condo’ first used?
The word condo was first used in the year 1964 in the sense as I have told you in the above discussion.
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge which is also locally known as the “Bay Bridge” is located in the U.S. state of Maryland. It is a major twin bridge of Maryland that connects its rural Eastern Shore region with the urban Western Shore. The bridge works as a vital link between Stevensville and Maryland’s capital city, Annapolis.
On July 30, 1952, with a length of 4.33 miles or 6.97 km, the original span (the westbound) of the bridge was opened making it the longest continuous over-water steel structure in the world at that time. 21 years after the opening of the original span, a parallel span with a length of 4.33 miles or 6.97 km (the eastbound) was opened on June 28, 1973.
The eastbound of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge stands at a height of 354 ft or 107.9 m, while the westbound has a height of 379 ft or 115.5 m. In the case of width, the eastbound spans 28 ft (8.5 m), while the westbound has a width of 38 ft (11.6 m).
The east and west bounds of the bridge are designed in the style of a Cantilever bridge and a Continuous truss bridge respectively. The structure of Suspension bridges is used in both spans. The responsibility for maintenance of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge goes to Maryland Transportation Authority, State of Maryland.
More than 61,000 traffic travel on this bridge daily. As a result, the bridge always remains busy and congested by traffic. Mainly, the peak hours of the summer months make the bridge busier.
In the toll booth located on the western shore (Annapolis) side of the Bridge, tolls are collected from the bridge’s eastbound only. The amount of the toll is $4 which is collected by the EZPass Toll Collection System.
Before the construction of the bridge, ferries were used for transportation between the two shores of the bay. But at present, this bridge fulfills all the transportation needs. The Chesapeake Bay Bridge is a part of U.S. Route 50 (US 50) and US 301. Working as a vital link in both routes, the bridge has made the transportation system easier in the Baltimore–Washington Metropolitan Area with Ocean City, Maryland, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, and other coastal tourist spots.
It has played a huge role in the development on both sides of the bay, especially in the growth of Eastern Shore communities. Since the opening of the bridge, many restaurants and hotels have been opened around the area which has improved the economy of the region.
As per a study in 2004, it was expected that the traffic across the bridge will be increased by 40% by 2025. So, in 2005, Governor Bob Ehrlich formed a task force to analyze if there is a possibility of another Chesapeake Bay crossing. Later, the task force proposed to add a third span to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge. But in 2020, the proposal for the third span was rejected by Maryland Transportation Authority.
What is the official name of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge?
The official name of the bridge is Gov. William Preston Lane Jr. Memorial Bridge and this name is after William Preston Lane Jr who was the 52nd Governor of Maryland.
How Long is the Chesapeake Bay Bridge?
The eastbound of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge is 4.35 mi or 7.00 km long and the westbound of the bridge has a total length of 4.33 mi or 6.97 km.
Is the Chesapeake Bay Bridge the same as the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel?
No, Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel are not the same. As the names of both bridges are similar, many people get confused about them.
The Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel is a 17.6-mile or 28.3 km long tunnel that crosses the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay connecting eastern Virginia with the Virginia Beach area. Whereas, Chesapeake Bay Bridge sets up a link between Stevensville and Maryland’s capital city, Annapolis.
When the residents of an area oppose something to be built or done in their locality even if it needs to be built and support strict land use rules, it is called ‘NIMBY’. In short, ‘NIMBY’ bears the meaning ‘not in my backyard’.
Nimbyism Meaning: Such residents oppose development just because they do not like some construction near their houses. If the same thing is made or built away from their home, then they will support it. This type of outlook of the residents is called ‘Nimbyism’ and the residents are called ‘Nimbys’.
There are very few common types of projects that are opposed by Nimbys like – homeless shelters, incinerators, sewage treatment systems, wind farms, solar panels, nuclear waste repositories, etc.
Nimbyismexample: Suppose, a metro line is proposed to be built near your home and you are opposing it, but you are ready to accept it if it is constructed away from your house, then you will be called a ‘NIMBY’. And your point of view on the building of the metro line is called ‘NIMBYISM’.
What is the opposite of NIMBYISM?
‘YIMBY’ is the word that indicates the totally contrary meaning of ‘NIMBY’. YIMBY denotes ‘Yes, in my backyard’. The person who supports the development projects is called YIMBY. The opposite term of NIMBYISM is known as ‘YIMBYISM’.
Nimbyism used in a sentence
1. The big box store could not be built due to Nimbyism.
2. The opposition to the wind farm is a case of Nimbyism.
3. It was the Nimbyism of the residents that prevented the construction of a homeless shelter in the area.