What are the Door And Window?
The door is a framework of timber, steel, glass or a combination of these materials. It serves as a connecting link between various parts of a building. It provides access to the users of the unit.
The window is a framework of timber, steel, glass or a combination of these materials. It provides light and ventilation inside the building.
Size of doors and window
The height of the door is approximately equal to the width of the door plus 1.2 m. In India, a door height of 2 m is considered most suitable. The minimum height of the door is 1.8 m.
The width of the door is approximately equal to 0.4 to 0.6 times of the height of the door. The width of the door generally varies from 0.8 m to 1.2 m. The maximum width of the door is generally 3 m.
The height of the window is generally kept at 1.1 m to 1.2 m. The width of the window is generally maintained at 0.9 m to 2 m.
Technical terms used in connection with doors and windows
The following 16 technical terms used are described below
1) Frame
A door frame consists of two vertical members called jambs and a horizontal member called head provided at the top. A window frame consists of two or more vertical members called jambs and two horizontal members provided at the top and bottom. The top horizontal member is called the head and the bottom horizontal member is called the sill.
2) Hold fast
It is generally made from mild steel. Hold fasts are provided on each side of the door and window frame. They keep the frame in position.
3) Horn
This is a horizontal projection of head or sill beyond the face of the frame. They keep the frame in position.
4) Rebate
The depression made inside the frame to receive the shutter is called Rebate.
5) Transom
It is the horizontal member used to divide a window frame.
6) Shutter
The entire assembly of styles, panels, and rails is known as shutter. Shutters are provided inside the door or window frame.
7) Style
Outside vertical members of a shutter are known as styles.
8) Top rail
The topmost horizontal member of the shutter is known as the top rail.
9) Bottom rail
The lowermost horizontal member of a shutter is known as the bottom rail.
10) Lock rail
This is the middle horizontal member of a shutter where a locking arrangement is provided.
11) Frieze rail
The rail which is provided between the top rail and lock rail is called the frieze rail.
12) Mullion or Munting
The vertical member running through a shutter and sub-dividing the shutter vertically is called mullion.
13) Panel
The area enclosed between the vertical styles and horizontal rails is known as panel.
14) Sash or glazing bar
It is a special type of frame made of light section and designed to carry glass fitted in a shutter.
15) Louver
It is an inclined piece of timber fixed within a frame. Louvers are provided in windows where vision is required to be prevented without affecting the ventilation system.
16) Putty
It is a mixture of white chalk and linseed oil. is used for fixing the glass panels.
Types of door
The common types of doors used in buildings are as follows:
1) Battened and ledged doors.
2) Battened, ledged and braced doors.
3) Battened, ledged and framed doors.
4) Battened, framed and braced doors.
5) Framed and panelled doors.
6) Glazed or sash doors.
7) Sliding doors.
8) Flush doors.
9) Collapsible doors.
10) Revolving doors.
11) Swing doors.
12) Rolling steel doors.
13) Louvered doors.
Read More: Types of Doors
Types of Window
The common types of windows used in the building are as follows:
1) Casement or ordinary window.
2) Glazed or sash windows.
3) Louvered window.
4) Pivoted window.
5) Corner window.
6) Metal window.
7) Double-hung windows.
8) Gable windows.
9) Dormer window.
10) Bay window.
11) Clerestorey window.
12) Lanterns or lantern lights.
13) Sky light.
14) Sliding window.
15) Circular window.
Read Also In Details About – Types of Windows