The devices in the form of symbols on portable support provided on roads to give information, warning, and guidance to the road users are known as traffic signs or road signs, or road safety signs. In this article, a total of 110 numbers of traffic signs are given with their meanings and symbolic images(All sign’s meanings are given in the following video). Following are the all traffic signs as per IRC(Indian Roads Congress).
You need to know these traffic signs to pass the test/exam which is held in India for getting a driving license. Around 40 to 60 % of questions come from these signs. And, I’m sure you will be able to answer all the questions which come from traffic signs after viewing this full article or watching the following video carefully. Read Also: Traffic Signs – MCQ.
What are The Necessity of Road Signs?
The necessity of road signs or traffic signs is as follows:
- To give timely warning of hazardous situations.
- To regulate the traffic.
- To provide safety to the traffic.
- To expedite the traffic.
- To guide the traffic by supplying information about directions and points of interest.
Different Types of Traffic Signs
In India, as per IRC, the road signs or traffic signs are broadly classified into the following categories:
a) Cautionary or warning signs
b) Regulatory signs
These are further classified as
- Prohibitory signs
- Mandatory Signs
c) Informatory Signs
Informatory signs are also further divided into three categories:
- Indication Signs
- Direction and Advance direction signs
- Place and route identification signs
Read Also: Types of Roads
a) Cautionary or Warning Signs
These road signs are used to warn the road users of certain hazardous situations on and adjacent to the roadway. in the case of a plain or rolling terrain area, a warning sign on a highway (Nation or state highway)is fixed in advance from the point of danger at a distance of 120 m, and, 60 m in the case of hilly terrain area. According to IRC warning signs are of the following types.
Following are the 43 warning signs with their names and symbolic images:
1. Barrier Ahead
Symbolic image of “Barrier Ahead” sign.
Barrier Ahead sign meaning: Barrier Ahead is a cautionary or warning sign. This sign indicates or warns the drivers that there is a barrier ahead on the road and the vehicle must stop there.
2. Cattle
Symbolic image of “Cattle” sign.
Cattle sign meaning: This sign indicates that there is a high probability of cattle presence on the road. And, It may lead to major accidents. So, drivers should slow down their vehicles and proceed carefully after seeing this sign.
3. Crossing Roads
Symbolic image of “Crossing Roads” sign.
A crossing road sign is usually used to indicate the presence of a crossing. This sign plays a crucial role in promoting all types of crossing traffic safety by reminding motorists to slow down.
4. Cycle Crossing
Symbolic image of “Cycle Crossing” sign.
5. Dangerous Dip
Symbolic image of “Dangerous Dip” sign.
“Dangerous Dip” sign meaning: This is a warning or cautionary sign. A dangerous dip sign is used to indicate that there is a dip on road ahead. After seeing this sign, the driver should slow down their vehicle and proceed carefully.
6. Falling Rocks
Symbolic image of “Falling Rocks” sign.
7. Ferry
Symbolic image of “Ferry” sign.
Ferry sign Meaning and Location: A ferry sign is used to indicate that there is a ferry crossing across a river. It is recommended that pair of signs be used for this purpose. One sign should be placed in an advanced position, and the other near the ferry. The first sign is placed around 200 m away from the ferry, and the second sign is placed around 50 to 100 m away from the ferry.
8. Gap in Median
Symbolic image of “Gap in Median” sign.
“Gap in Median” sign meaning: This sign means that there is a gap in the divider of a Road and there is also the choice of taking a U-turn. The driver should slow down their car and take the relevant lane to avoid any accident.
9. Guarded Railway Crossing
Symbolic image of “Guarded Railway Crossing” sign.
10. Unguarded Railway Crossing
Symbolic image of “Unguarded Railway Crossing” sign.
11. Major Road Ahead
Symbolic image of “Major Road Ahead” sign.
12. Men at Work
Symbolic image of “Men at Work” sign.
The “Men at Work” sign means that there are some workers who are performing various tasks or maintenance work. And it warns drivers that they should exercise caution after seeing this sign. The sign “Men at Work” is generally placed during road widening work, repair work etc.
13. Narrow Bridge
Symbolic image of “Narrow Bridge” sign.
14. Pedestrian Crossing
Symbolic image of “Pedestrian Crossing” sign.
Pedestrian crossing sign meaning: This sign means that there is a crossing for pedestrian traffic. Its main purpose is to warn drivers to be cautious and slow down their vehicles. Pedestrian crossing signs are usually installed near schools, public buildings, hospitals, parks, or areas with high foot traffic. This sign plays an important role in fostering pedestrian safety by reminding motorists to slow down.
15. Right Hand Left Hand Curve
Symbolic image of “Right Hand Curve” sign.
Symbolic image of “Left Hand Curve” sign.
16. Right/Left Hairpin Bend
Symbolic image of “Right Hairpin Bend” sign.
Symbolic image of ‘Left Hairpin Bend’ sign.
Meaning of ‘Left Hairpin Bend’ sign: These signs warn the driver about the presence of the sharp left turn ahead on the road. It gives time to the driver in order to manage the sharp turn by reducing the speed of the vehicle.
17. School
Symbolic image of “School” sign.
18. Staggered Intersection
Symbolic image of “Staggered Intersection” sign.
19. T-Intersection
Symbolic image of “T-Intersection” sign.
20. Y-Intersection
Symbolic image of “Y-Intersection” sign.
21. Roundabout
Symbolic image of “Roundabout” sign.
22. Rumble Strip
Symbolic image of “Rumble Strip” sign.
23. Speed Breaker Ahead
Symbolic image of “Speed Breaker Ahead” sign.
24. Traffic Signal Ahead
Symbolic image of “Traffic Signal Ahead” sign.
Read Also: Advantages and Disadvantages of Traffic Signals.
25. Runway Ahead
Symbolic image of “Runway Ahead” sign.
26. End of Dual Carriageway
Symbolic image of “End of Dual Carriageway” sign.
27. Steep Ascent/ Descent.
Symbolic image of “Steep Ascent” sign.
Symbolic image of “Steep Descent” sign.
28. Narrow Road Ahead
Symbolic image of “Narrow Road Ahead” sign.
29. Road widens Ahead
The symbolic image of “Road Widens Ahead” sing.
30. Slippery Road
Symbolic image of “Slippery Road” sign.
31. Loose Gravel
Symbolic image of “Loose Gravel” sign.
32. Side Road
Symbolic image of “Side Road Right” sign.
Symbolic image of “Side Road Left” sign.
33. Start of Dual Carriageway
Symbolic image of “Start of Dual Carriageway” sign.
34. Series of Bends
Symbolic image of “Series of Bends” sign.
35. Overhead Cables Ahead
Symbolic image of “Overhead Cables Ahead” sign.
36. Quayside or River Bank
Symbolic image of “Quayside or River Bank” sign.
37. Two Way Operation Ahead
Symbolic image of “Two Way Operation Ahead” sign.
38. Lane Closure Ahead
Symbolic image of “Lane Closure Ahead” sign.
39. Traffic Diversion on Dual Carriageway
Symbolic image of “Traffic Diversion on Dual Carriageway” sign.
40. Sudden Side Winds Ahead
Symbolic image of “Sudden Side Winds Ahead” sign.
41. Reduced Carriageway
Symbolic image of “Reduced Carriageway” sign.
42. Rough Road
Symbolic image of “Rough Road” sign.
Important as MCQ: Road sign indicating ‘rough road’ is a Cautionary or Warning Signs.
43. Right/Left Reverse Bend
Symbolic image of “Left Reverse Bend” sign.
Symbolic image of “Right Reverse Bend” sign.
Read More: WBM Road Construction
b) Mandatory or Regulatory Signs
These road signs are used to inform Road user about certain laws, regulations, prohibition or restrictions which have to be complied with and any case of non-compliance are liable to legal action. According to IRC some of the mandatory signs are as follows:
Following are the 38 mandatory signs with their names and symbol images:
1. Give Way
Symbol image of “Give Way” sign.
2. Stop
Symbol image of “Stop” sign.
3. All Motor Vehicles Prohibited
Symbol image of “All Motor Vehicles Prohibited” sign.
4. Trucks Prohibited
Symbol image of “Trucks Prohibited” sign.
5. Bullock Cart Prohibited
Symbol image of “Bullock Cart Prohibited” sign.
6. Hand Cart Prohibited
Symbol image of “Hand Cart Prohibited” sign.
7. Bullock and Hand Cart Prohibited
Symbolic image of “Bullock and Hand Cart Prohibited” sign.
8. Tongas Prohibited
Symbol image of “Tongas Prohibited” sign.
9. Cycle Prohibited
Symbol image of “Cycle Prohibited” sign.
10. Pedestrian Prohibited
Symbol image of “Pedestrian Prohibited” sign.
11. Horn Prohibited
Symbol image of “Horn Prohibited” sign.
12. One Way
Symbol image of “One Way” sign.
13. Vehicle Prohibited in Both Directions
Symbol image of “Vehicle Prohibited in Both Directions” sign.
14. Overtaking Prohibited
Symbol image of “Overtaking Prohibited” sign.
15. No Entry
Symbol image of “No Entry” sign.
16. U-turn Prohibited
Symbol image of “U-turn Prohibited” sign.
U-turn Prohibited sign meaning: This sign Informs the driver not to take a U-turn at this intersection, as it may cause traffic jams or accidents.
17. Left Turn Prohibited
Symbol image of “Left Turn Prohibited” sign.
Left Turn Prohibited sign meaning: This sign informs the driver not to turn towards the left under any circumstances.
18. Right Turn Prohibited
Symbol image of “Right Turn Prohibited” sign.
Right Turn Prohibited sign meaning: This sign informs the driver not to turn towards the right under any circumstances.
19. No Parking
Symbol image of “No Parking” sign.
No Parking sign meaning: These signs prohibit the parking of vehicles in certain places.
20. No Stopping or Standing
Symbol image of “No Stopping or Standing” sign.
No Stopping or Standing sign meaning: These signs prohibit vehicles from stopping or standing in certain places. Stopping vehicles at certain places can interrupt the flow of traffic or cause accidents.
21. Axle Load Limit
Symbol image of “Axle Load Limit” sign.
22. Load Limit
Symbol image of “Load Limit” sign
Load Limit Sign Meaning: This sign indicates that vehicles weighing more than the ‘board limit’ are not permitted to use the road, as there may be a bridge or the road may not carry more than the ‘board limit’.
23. Speed Limit
Symbol image of “Speed Limit” sign
Important as MCQ: A road sign indicating “speed limit” is a mandatory or regulatory sign.
Read Also:- Recommended Design Speed on Rural Roads
24. Width Limit
Symbol image of “Width Limit” sign.
25. Height Limit
Symbol image of “Height Limit” sign.
26. Length Limit
Symbol image of “Length Limit” sign. This sign is used to indicate the ‘length limit’.
27. Compulsory Sound Horn
Symbol image of “Compulsory Sound Horn” sign.
28. Compulsory Keep Left
Symbol image of “Compulsory Keep Left” sign.
29. Compulsory Ahead or Turn Left
Symbol image of “Compulsory Ahead or Turn Left” sign.
30. Compulsory Ahead or Turn Right
Symbol image of “Compulsory Ahead or Turn Right” sign.
31. Compulsory Turn Left
Symbol image of “Compulsory Turn Left” sign.
32. Compulsory Turn Right
Symbol image of “Compulsory Turn Right” sign.
33. Compulsory Ahead Only
Symbol image of the “Compulsory Ahead Only” sign.
34. Compulsory Cycle Track
Symbol image of “Compulsory Cycle Track” sign.
35. Pedestrian Only
Symbol image of “Pedestrian Only” sign.
36. Buses Only
Symbol image of “Buses Only” sign.
37. Restriction Ends
Symbol image of “Restriction Ends” sign.
Restriction Ends sign meaning: The restriction sign is used to indicate that there is no valid route beyond this point.
38. Compulsory Bus Stop
Symbol image of “Compulsory Bus Stop” sign.
Read More: History of Road Development in India
c) Informatory Signs
These road signs are used to provide guidance to the road users in respect of direction and place identification, facilities like a petrol pump, parking, etc. as per IRC some of the informatory signs are as follows:
Following are the 30 Informatory road signs with their symbolic image:
1. Direction
Symbolic image of “Direction” sign.
2. Destination
Symbolic image of “Destination” sign.
3. Place Identification
Symbolic image of “Place Identification” sign.
4. Reassurance
Symbolic image of “Reassurance” sign.
5. Truck Lay Bye
Symbolic image of “Truck Lay Bye” sign.
Truck Lay Bye sign meaning: The truck lay-bye sign is an Informatory sign, used to inform the truck driver that there are facilities such as taking food or repairing or refuelling their Turks. So, they can stop or park their truck at this point.
6. Toll Booth Ahead
Symbolic image of “Toll Booth Ahead” sign.
7. Hospital
Symbolic image of “Hospital” sign.
8. Petrol Pump
Symbol image of “Petrol Pump” sign.
9. Public Telephone
Symbolic image of “Public Telephone” sign.
10. First Aid Post
Symbolic image of “First Aid Post ” sign.
Read Also: How to Stay Safe and Calm in a Motorway Accident?
11. Eating Place
Symbolic image of “Eating Place” sign.
12. Light Refreshment
Symbolic image of “Light Refreshment” sign.
13. Resting Place
Symbolic image of “Resting Place” sign.
14. Parking Signs.
Symbolic image of “Parking Signs” sign.
This sign is used to indicate that there is a facility for parking on the side of the road.
15. Taxi Stand
Symbolic image of “Taxi Stand” sign.
16. Cycle Stand
Symbolic image of “Cycle Stand” sign.
17. Cycle-Rickshaw Stand
Symbolic image of “Cycle-Rickshaw Stand” sign.
18. Auto Rickshaw Stand
Symbolic image of “Auto Rickshaw Stand” sign.
19. Parking This side
Symbolic image of “Parking This side” sign.
20. Parking on Both Sides
Symbolic image of “Parking Both Side” sign.
21. No Through Road
Symbolic image of “No Through Road” sign.
22. No Through Side Road
Symbolic image of “No Through Side Road” sign.
23. Pedestrian Subway
Symbolic image of “Pedestrian Subway” sign.
24. Repair Facilities
Symbolic image of “Repair Facilities” sign.
Repair Facilities sign meaning: This is an informatory Sign. This sign is used to indicate the places where the repair facilities are situated.
25. Airport
Symbolic image of “Airport” sign.
Read Also: 12 Types of Airports.
26. Police Station
Symbolic image of “Police Station” sign.
Police Station sign meaning: The sign is used to indicate the police station near the road.
27. Railway Station
Symbolic image of “Railway Station” sign.
The sign is used to indicate the railway station located near the road.
28. Bus Lane Signs
Symbolic image of “Bus Lane” sign.
29. Bus Stop
Symbolic image of “Bus Stop” sign.
30. Flood Gauge
Symbolic image of “Flood Gauge” sign.
Flood Gauge Sign Meaning: A flood gauge sign is used to indicate the height of the flood above the road level. This type of sign is used on roadways where there is a chance of frequent flooding. Generally, this sign is installed at causeways and submersible bridges and culverts to warn road users about the height of the flood above the road level.
Size of signs
Three sizes of regulatory and warning signs have been specified, namely
(i) Small size
(ii) Normal size and
(iii) Large size.
The small size signs are 600 mm in size, normal signs are 900 mm and large signs are 1200 mm in size. The size refers to the diameter of the circular signs or the height of the octagonal sign or the side of the triangular sign.
Read More: Steps in Bituminous Road Construction
Placement of the signs
The traffic signs should be located in such a way that they can be seen by the road users moving at the design speed. In the case of the road with kerbs, the transverse location of the traffic signs should be such that the edge of the sign is not less than 0.6 m away from the edge of the kerb. In the case of roads without kerbs, the nearest edge of the sign maybe 2.0 to 3.0 m from the edge of the carriageway.
General Principles of Traffic Signs
The following are the general principles of traffic signs:
i) Traffic signs should be installed only by the authority of law. Unofficial and non-essential signs should not be allowed.
ii) To provide a sense of respect towards signs, accurate implementation measures should be initiated.
iii) Signs should be put up only after traffic engineering studies and sound engineering judgment.
iv) Excessive use of road signs should not be allowed. A conservative use of regulatory & warning signs is recommended. Excessive use of traffic signs leads to losing their effectiveness.
Maintenance of Traffic Signs
The traffic signs should be maintained in a required manner, not only signs but also posts shall be maintained in their proper position. All traffic signs should be inspected at least twice a year both day and night time.
The painting of signs should be done periodically. It is necessary to keep an eye on whether the signs are covered in any way. If any sign is demolished or damaged in any way, they need to be replaced immediately.
Materials Used For Traffic Signs
Different components of traffic signs such as posts, mounting, plates, supports, types and their grades have been made available by BIS and ASTM.
What is the location of warning signs?
The warning signs should be located at the following distance in advance of hazardous conditions.
1. In urban areas: 50 meters in advance of hazardous conditions.
2. In Non-urban areas: as per the below table
Sl. No | Types of Roads | Distance for plain & rolling terrain | Distance for hilly & mountainous terrain |
1. | National highway and State highway | 120 | 60 |
2. | Major district roads | 90 | 50 |
3. | Other district roads | 60 | 40 |
4. | Village roads | 40 | 30 |
Where the small sizes of signs are preferred?
The small sizes of traffic signs are usually placed on minor roads where the design speed is less than 60 km per hour.
Where the normal sizes of signs are preferred?
The normal sizes of traffic signs are installed on major roads and urban roads where the design speeds are in the range of 60 to 100 km/h
Where the large sizes of signs are preferred?
The large size of traffic signs is usually placed on expressways and on urban arterial roads where the design speeds cross the limit of 100 km/h.
What is the use or meaning of the ‘No Parking’ sign?
The ‘No Parking‘ sign is intended to prevent the parking of vehicles at that location. A definition plate may be attached with this to indicate the parking restraint or limitation with respect to days, distance, date, etc.
What is the use of the ‘Stop’ Sign?
The ‘stop’ sign is used to stop all the vehicles before the stop line. A stop sign is meant to stop the vehicles entering a road from other roads.
What is the use of the ‘Give Way’ Sign?
‘Give Way’ Sign is used to assign right-of-way to traffic on certain approaches to an intersection.
Shape & size of the ‘Give Way’ Sign
The Give Way Sign consists of a downward-pointing equilateral triangle having a border of red colour and white colour background. The width of the red border is 70 mm. For standard size, the side of the triangle is 900 mm, and 600 mm for reduced size. A definition plate that carries the message ”Give way” may be used in combination with this sign.
What are the 3 types of traffic signs?
As per IRC(Indian Road Congress) road signs or traffic signs are broadly classified into the 3 categories:
- Warning Signs
- Regulatory Signs
- Informatory Signs
What is the meaning of the ‘Compulsory sound horn’ sign?
This sign indicates that the motor vehicles must compulsorily blow the horn at that position, for example at sharp curves on hill roads.
What is the meaning of the ‘Pedestrians only’ sign?
This sign meant that only pedestrians could move, and other traffic is not allowed to move on this road. A definition plate may be used with this sign which carries the message ‘PEDESTRIANS ONLY’
What does the airport sign indicate?
The airport sign is installed to indicate the nearby airport.
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